Cheiro Roxa

There must be loads of people growing these. Why can`t I find any info on them? 
Seeds seem very hard to come by in the USA ( seems the one source I can find). I resorted to buying a couple of plants from Jim Duffy, which seem to be growing well.
Anyway, any special care? I suspect not, but I`ll ask anyway. More importantly, how do they taste? Are they hot?
Just a novelty grow? I guess I`ll find out later this year, but I`m sure lots of you know the answers. 
I will isolate my plants/flowers and harvest seeds. When I have some I`ll do a SASBE offer if anyone is interested.
nothing special to know there about the same as any other pepper plant care-wise
it a species from Brazil and the name is Portugese, i dont know what "Cheiro" means but (Roxa pronounced "rowsha") means purple
from what i get there habanero hot and taste quite good, but dont quote me on it i never grew them or had them
im growing some of the other species that hae Portugese and are also from Brazil
Fidalga Foxa
Fidalga Ameralia
Pitanga Morango
thanks your friend Joe
I don't know but I have seen other peppers from Brazil labeled Cheiro xxx, e.g., "Cheiro Recife" meaning "pepper from Recife"
Personally I have had terrible luck with Brazilian varietals. Poor germination, and what few emerged succumbed to damping off. This really makes me sad since I imagine the flavor of these peppers to be quite nice.
I picked up a few pods at Bowers last year. They were sweet but not as pungent as most other chinenses. The heat was almost up to a habanero.
I ate a couple fresh and dried/powdered the rest.