food Chile. Chilly. Chili.

Yeah, Hogleg! Damm you! :rofl:
Grant, As tempted as I was to use the smoke function, I didn't I only wanted to infuse the meat with the spices and I don't think that much smoke penetrates in 20 minutes but I'm not sure. My thought was maybe too much of a good thing.?
Okay THP, you are right. I must have summoned some half dead brain cells to remember that she spelled it that way. She seriously had zero education. She had beautiful cursive handwriting but she couldn't spell the word egg to save her life. Nice handwriting with ⅔ words spelled incorrectly. :crazy: LMAO
The meat was done and falling apart. Dump all that meat and meat liquor into the pot of tomatoes and veggies. mmmmmmmm And don't forget the bone! I added about 2 cups of water to thin it just a bit. It's not thick (texas style) chili. Add a Chile New Mexico for good luck like a Mexican Bay Leaf. LOL. Let it simmer for about 6 more tequilas, and it's complete. SL would have me put it in an ice bath to cool it from 211º down to 38º in 15 minutes but yeah, it sat on the stove cooling over night. BOOM. Never killed me before!
So my first meal was this morning. Chili with a dollop of refried beans, Corn and Flour tortillas, fried eggs and a spoon. Whoa dude... I'm high on capsaicin, good food and love. HA!



Late night THPing. Someone is not impressed but likes the company.






Scoville DeVille said:
The meat was done and falling apart. Dump all that meat and meat liquor into the pot of tomatoes and veggies. mmmmmmmm And don't forget the bone! I added about 2 cups of water to thin it just a bit. It's not thick (texas style) chili. Add a Chile New Mexico for good luck like a Mexican Bay Leaf. LOL. Let it simmer for about 6 more tequilas, and it's complete.
SL would have me put it in an ice bath to cool it from 211º down to 38º in 15 minutes but yeah, blahblahvanillavanillarhubarbrhubarb.
So my first meal was this morning. Chili with a dollop of refried beans, Corn and Flour tortillas, fried eggs and a spoon. Whoa dude... I'm high on capsaicin, good food and love. HA!
What I don't know I won't obsess over..... :lol:
Dang!  Now I want a big 'ol bowl of red!  Nice Job!
salsalady said:
Dang!  Now I want a big 'ol bowl of red!  Nice Job!
Hey that's Texas chili! He made chile.
Come one people! :lol: