misc Chile pequin?

So I’ve attempted Chile pequin for the first time. Had a TON of plants sprout but not a single one has blossomed and produced any fruits. Anyone here grow them? I’m sure I messed up somewhere wether it be soil, lighting, watering, etc. For those that do grow them successfully what are some tips for someone like myself? The plants themselves look very strong and healthy, however that’s all they have done.
The first pic is this years plant in ground, it kept up with the Chiltepin at 4.5 feet tall.

The 2nd pic is of our 2 year old pequin in june & it's getting ready for the basement again in 2 days.

Both Chiltipens & Paquin's have started well 5 or 7 days & grown very well here in the NC Mountains.

What are you feeding them? Do you have some pics?


Don’t have pics at the moment, I started them very late and a lot of them died. I was using fox farm on them and only have like 2 or 3 plants left. My grandpa passed in May and that’s where the seeds came from. Used an old raised metal fire pit to start them in. Once they were big enough I transplanted them into 5gal buckets in a planter rack that I built with a watering system etc. my wife had a couple pics from early on I can post when I get back home.
Ok so here are a couple of pics of the plants up to the current state. It seems the growing has stopped as well or it’s at least been stunted. The last pic is the remaining plants after weeding out the dead ones and giving a few to a friend. They have been at this same size for about 2 weeks now. 1st pic is shortly after sprouting. I have bell peppers, cayenne, and habanero that we’re all planted at the same time and we’re fed/watered the same and used the same soil and they have done amazing.
My first flowers & pods came along May 27th on the 2 year olds.


Plants getting bigger with more pods July 10th.


Aug. 18th ripe pods ready to eat.


In ground plants.

Oct 6th the inground Pequins are loaded & ready for harvest. Much later than the 2 year olds but a much bigger harvest.

Both Chiltepins & Pequins are logn season peppers that we pick pods from, up until first Freeze that's tonight :(



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So I’m in a humid and hot part of Texas, that being said I tend to plant later in the year because of how high temperatures get during the day and stay at night. The pequin plants are roughly 5 months old. So your pequin plants were 2 years old before they produced anything?
So your pequin plants were 2 years old before they produced anything?
No the potted pequins have been over wintered from last season.

I was showing how much difference there was in starting one from seed, & one that is already full grown with a years head start.

However at 5 months old you should have at least flowers. This is something I am waiting for the others to read & chime in on.

The plants look healthy, but are a little small.
That’s what has confused me about it, they were growing really well up until a couple weeks ago. I had a big fight with leaf footed bugs when we first planted, however from what I noticed the pequins were not affected by them. They mostly killed my jalapeños, Serranos, and a couple tomato plants. Watering schedule has stayed the same, soil, is the same as my other pepper plants as well.