Chile - the ultimate cure-all???

After Birth: Dr. Schulze, a medical doctor and herbalist, has used Cayenne Tincture for hemorrhage after childbirth. Squirt 15-20 dropperfuls directly into the vagina. The bleeding should stop in seconds.

Once the bleeding stops, the nurse should assist the doctor in gently peeling the new mother from the ceiling. A folded towel shoved firmly in her mother usually muffles the screams.
Pam said:
Once the bleeding stops, the nurse should assist the doctor in gently peeling the new mother from the ceiling. A folded towel shoved firmly in her mother usually muffles the screams.
Hahahaha! That's what I was thinking. Man o man, while I don't have a vagina, I can just imagine the pain of cap in that area.
come on, it's only 15-20 dropperfuls of Cayenne Tincture probably rated at around 50-100,000 SHU, I thought women were tougher than that...

the reason the bleeding stops in seconds is because the patient has expired.
Yeah, but what's gonna stop all the bleeding the doctor's gonna be doing after she gets off the ceiling and gets her hands on him?
Slinter said:
I think my favorite is the nose bleed shooter! LOL that sure would be "something"

I think we've found IGG next stunt of chile consumption :hell:;):lol:
I mean what a better way to show your true love of chiles, & since you'll be inhaling the powder into your lungs which is the fastest way to get into your blood stream (2nd only to injection) you'll get a intense endorphin rush that all chileheads crave for.

& to do it in style you should use those german styles of snuff inhalers, its a somewhat large wooden thing where you PACK the snuff into a spot & then place your nose onto that part & then hit this lever with a little mallet, & it shoots the snuff right up into your nose :hell:
you can start out with just some wimpy cayenne powder & then work your way up to some naga powder.

on the bright side I bet you'd be the 1st person to do this on "youtube" & people everywhere will be talking about this crazy guy (you) that eats & snorts naga powder, maybe even "guinness world record" worthy ? that india lady ate 60 nagas how about you snort 1 gram - 3 grams.

as for health benefits, cayennes are the ones that have the most healthy stuff out of all the chiles.
thats why I tend to grow 4 plants every year, even though they're not the tastyest chile but still alright.
Catching up on my reading that I missed while I was away.
chilehunter said:
I think we've found IGG next stunt of chile consumption :hell::P:lol:
: thinks about it :

I think that's a good way to land myself in the hospitl.
yes but think of the exposure, think of the youtube possibilities, the enhancement to your acting career, the product endorsements, you would truly take on godlike proportions here at THP and we would all say nice things about you in your eulogy!
chilliman64 said:
yes but think of the exposure, think of the youtube possibilities, the enhancement to your acting career, the product endorsements, you would truly take on godlike proportions here at THP and we would all say nice things about you in your eulogy!

chilehunter said:
IGG - yea that would hurt some, theres no way in hell I'd do something like that. but it'd be funny to see someone do that.
God, this is really tempting....
imaguitargod said:
God, this is really tempting....

I was just kidding around, you know that ? since naga's are some serious stuff & could do worse damage through your lungs to yourself vs eating them. I wouldnt try it if I were you.
but if you're hell bent on trying something new for the love of chiles, well good luck to ya & at least video tape it :hell:
chilehunter said:
I was just kidding around, you know that ? since naga's are some serious stuff & could do worse damage through your lungs to yourself vs eating them. I wouldnt try it if I were you.
but if you're hell bent on trying something new for the love of chiles, well good luck to ya & at least video tape it :hell:

Ya, I know ;)