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ChileLabs - a new gardening-related social group

With easier way of communication in mind, I opened a new social group called 'ChileLabs' - Open discussions and mind-sharing with regard to planning and applying theoretical and practical technical improvements of modern gardening. The only requirements are an open mind and the will to share. :)

I will basically share my conclusions, plans, designs and theories and listen to anyone who chooses to do the same. I already shared a little tip some of you people might find useful.

All are welcome! even those who just want to read.

Thanks, will enjoy reading your thoughts. :)
I'll probably post some aeroponic plans later today.
talas said:
Aeroponics is one part of Hydro i no little about..But sound like it has the most potential :)
Actually Aeroponics is not part of Hydroponics, but they're both really effective. the reason I like Aeroponics more is it reduces the pressure on the roots even more with higher absorption of nutrients and oxygen.