seed-plant-vendors in NJ

I visited this nursery today and it was very nice. It is located in Stockton, NJ, about an hour and a half from where I live. It is a little late in the "Purchasing Plants" season and it was noticeable that many plants had been sold out. But that doesn't mean they didn't have great stuff still remaining. I met Josephine who I would assume is the master gardener on premise. She helped a great deal. I first walked into the Tomatos/Eggplant/Tomatillo room and as I said above, most of the popular stuff was sold out. I did snatch a few Tomatillos and I was very happy. I then visited the Pepper room and even though most was sold out, there was still a ton of great plants available. I picked up a catalog and I would say that they sell close to 300 different pepper varieties. Josephine told me that most local people order online in January and then give them a pick up date (say in May) and then go pick them up. The nursery cares for the plants the whole time. They also ship around the world. I give this place the double thumbs up! Excellent service, excellent over the top quality
of product and variety. I will certainly do business with them again next year.
gangaskan said:
thankfully, mine  came in good shape.  gave them a little water and starting to harden them. 
Mine were in good shape too. Few minor cuts on the leaves from transport but far better than I expected from 3 days taped inside a box. They were ready for a drink and with an overcast forecast for 5-6 days straight I just planted them out.  Gusty winds were blowing them all over the patio in their little plastic cups anyhow.

Couple hours after some water and fresh air  :)
Geonerd said:
How are the poor things doing?  The damage looks survivable...
They look like they've been through battle, but they're hanging tough(ish.) Not doing anything drastic to them except plopping them in bigger pots with some good soil. Some new green growth springing up from those poor, tattered pups.

My replacement order, which they got to me ASAP and at zero charge, arrived in perfect condition.

Good luck all!
Purchased a 7 Pot Bubblegum, Naga Purple, Habanero Francisca and Fatalli as well as 2 cherry tomato plants in April 2016.  
Nothing but great things to say, as the plants are prolific and fruiting, and most importantly, are the plants I actually ordered.
Shipment arrived without issue, and I transplanted them into larger pots the day I received them.  Hardened them off for about a week before getting them in the ground.
Can't wait till they ripen.  Already enjoying the tomatoes!
Don't hesitate to order from this site.
Enjoy your upcoming or current harvest, all!
- Dave