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Chiles as medicine

Most of that was not news to me but I would have expected the increased heart rate to cause one to bleed out faster if anything. Applying powder directly to a wound would aid clotting regardless of the type so I'm a touch sceptical there's any reason to use cayenne over any other antiseptic but, if taking it internally does what the article says, that's a lot less easy to dismiss. Very interesting.
Some sites state it has ant-fungal anti-bacterial properties as well, so works for wound care.
Who the hell knows? Remember the grapefruit diet? :lol:

A lot of this is junk science to be able to place ads on a page and sell cayenne etc.
cruzzfish said:
Yeah but it wouldn't be worth the blinding pain and risk of infection.
Well here the chilli keeps out the infection but I can't imagine it helps the pain much.
The Hot Pepper said:
Remember the grapefruit diet? :lol:
I remember the grapefruit blowjob...
Hot peppers are the ultimate herbal metabolic stimulant esp. for circulation and digestion, a topical pain killer (sore lower back etc..), and are a very weak antiseptic.  As with almost anything you can overdose on them.(sorry)