Chili from Sweden!

Hello all! I'm excited to be here with all you chili heads! I'm from Sweden and I've just started a chili blog where I will follow my chili pepper plants, share recipes, photographs and other stuff related and not related to chili.

I would love to hear any feedback! I have been growing chili for about six years now, mostly in a smaller scale. I will probably sow some more seeds later this spring but I started out with these five:

1. Hot Lemon, capsicum baccatum
2. Czechoslovakian Black, capsicum annuum
3. Peruvian Purple, capsicum frutescens
4. Romanian Chili, capsicum annuum
5. Red chili from north Bali, unknown species. I'm excited about this one. My guess is that it's an annuum.

All except the Bali chili I have grown before so I'm used to them, but it would be great to hear about your experiences of these varietes. Which one do you prefer? My absolute favourite is Hot Lemon!
Welcome from Eastern PA. I'm Swedish on my mothers side and Irish on my fathers side (both deceased). That means I'm stubborn with a temper :)
Welcome from Southfield Michigan.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



Thanks all for the warm welcome! :D You seem like a lovely bunch.

BillC said:
Welcome from Eastern PA. I'm Swedish on my mothers side and Irish on my fathers side (both deceased). That means I'm stubborn with a temper :)
That explains why I'm mostly just stubborn then lol. Actually I have some Irish heritage aswell, I'm guessing that's where the temper is from, or is it the other way around? ;)
hi there! I noticed you have some awesome pictures on your blog site. you should post them here. They're too nice not to. I grew the hot lemon last year as well and really liked it. It's very different tasting than most peppers I've had. For some reason it reminded me of Grapefruit.
Ballzworth said:
hi there! I noticed you have some awesome pictures on your blog site. you should post them here. They're too nice not to. I grew the hot lemon last year as well and really liked it. It's very different tasting than most peppers I've had. For some reason it reminded me of Grapefruit.

Yes, Hot Lemon has a lot of fruit in flavour and smell. I think it smells a lot like black currant and taste a bit of lemon. I'll think of grapefruit next time I try one. Anyone else who have grown any of the varieties I mentioned?

Glad you like the pictures, there's more to come! I didn't find a "share your pictures" forum or thread so I'll just post one in here

Hot Lemon 2009

hej hej thewaythingsare =)