Chili not growing leaves

One of my peppers is not growing new leaves. It seems strange, because it's planted in the very same soil as all the other chilies and peppers that are growing explosively. All seem to be flowering normally, but the one that doesn't want to grow new foliage started fruiting earlier and already have some pods. Actually it flowers much rather than grow leaves. 
Is that a genetics thing and some stop growing completely while others resume, or is it just the fruiting/re-growth cycle?
Can I trick it to start growing new leaves (beside flowering)? We're going to see hot temperatures now, which means old leaves can get scorched. There's plenty of nitrogen in the soil, that doesn't help it, still refuses to cooperate. :)
Without pics I'd say it's a reject. Kill and move on. By all means if your a small grower and have space and time make a pet out of it otherwise move on
I'll post a picture later. It does seem to be growing enough pods (and new flowers) to keep it, and it probably won't shade out anything, so I'll keep it. I have a feeling it will continue, when the first pods ripen. 
Tarzan said:
I'll post a picture later. It does seem to be growing enough pods (and new flowers) to keep it, and it probably won't shade out anything, so I'll keep it. I have a feeling it will continue, when the first pods ripen. 
Pics would help - as it is hard to picture how it could be still growing new flowers if not growing new nodes which would also mean new leaves -- usually the new flower nodes appear at the joints of new leaf growth so not sure what you mean by still growing flowers but not leaves.
If it's a small plant with fruit, all the grow energy is going to the pods. Noth I ng left over for growth. Removal of pods and up and coming flowers may change the rut it's in. Small plants usually = small fruit as well.
Well, it is small and it does have some growing buds (and even small leaves), but they do not seem to be actively growing. They are virtually the same for like 14 days now, compared to other peppers that exploded with new growth and still flower on top. I think it's just a species related feature. It will grow when it feels the need to do so, I guess. :)

Did you recently transplant into that bed?

If so, they are probably putting out root growth and you'll see an explosion soon.

If not, could be slow species to the grow down the Peruvian Serlano is ridiculously slow to grow for everybody.
Nope, more than a month ago. The thing is, we've had some cold weather at the time and most of them, except 7-pots and this small one, wilted and started loosing leaves. The leaves on top remained, and now they flower on their tops and have a blast of new growth with just emerging flower buds. 7pot primos that also fared extremely well during the cold weather recently started to flower, but there are still no pods. The pepper in question is unknown variety I got from Croatia. I have yet to see the ripe pods. And eat them. :)
This one was unaffected and actually started flowering at morning temps around 10°C while others struggled. Now the tables have turned. :)