food Chilis and chocolate

Alright friends and chiliheads, I know there's some good cooks on here. I just finished with some raspberry habanero jelly and someone suggested that on the next foray into my quest for everything spicy should be something chocolate.

Now I've had the chocolate bars with cayenne and those are great, but I was hoping to find something to do with fresh peppers since I have a SFRB coming in sometime soon. Lets get this thread hoppin with some fiery chocolate! Anyone have any ideas? Post them up here. Ideas are great, recipes with pictures and the like are even better! I'm thinking candies, fudge, cake, anything with chocolate and peppers is great! I have a few ideas in mind - hopefully they can come together soon and I'll get some pictures up.
This is a link to my throwdown entry in which one item was a bacon-wrapped roasted pear with raspberry and hot chocolate sauces. Prep pics are below the final plating pic. It's easy to make the chocolate sauce, and you can either use any pepper powder or puree fresh.

We do hot brownies all the time, particularly using the ghiradelli dark chocolate mix. Again, either pepper powder or finely chop fresh pods.

Generally, any red or red-type pod goes well with chocolate, IMO. I'm not a fan of fatalii and chocolate, though I love fatalii with other things. However, other people may tell you they like fatalii and chocolate. Taste is subjective.

Not chocolate, but here's a link to my douglah nut bourbon chews. Again, just finely chop if you're using fresh instead of rehydrating dried.
i have been making chocolate candies for years, i make about 30#s every Christmas, i been considering a hot pepper recipe, i am thinking bourbon balls mixed with some super hots, and dipped in milk chocolate for my first try, maybe some rocky road with fresh pecans and peppers
Ah yes.... another one came to mind. I soaked slices of hot peppers with spears of pineapple in rum with a touch of brown sugar and cinnamon overnight. The next day, made a rum cake with the pepper-and-pineapple-infused rum. Grilled the pepper and pineapple chunks, and served them with the rum cake. Very tasty..... VERY tasty!
Pepperdan, I'm familiar with making candy like toffee and caramels but I'm not as familiar with making chocolates. Do you have a recipe for a jelly filling like is in those jelly orange bars? I think that would be good with peppers.
Considering doing something like one of these or both. With the first one I'm still deciding how I want to do the jelly - may just boil the peppers in the sugar/corn syrup mixture and remove before adding pectin - or may try and make the habanero rasp jelly +additional pectin for a thicker jelly. Anyone venture a guess as to whether the peppers may have similar properties to the orange rinds in the second recipe if done right?
i have never made a jelly centers, i have made cream centers, and several nougat type centers, i will be trying those recipes this year those look awesome

i have made pepper jelly, and just a fyi the more pectin doesn't necessarily mean a thinker set, the water/pectin ratio is very finicky, to much =no set, to little = no set, one would naturally think more would be better, but there is a point where it would become just the opposite

the rest is actually just dipping chocolates, cheaper the better Hershey actually is not the best for homemade chocolates, it must be tempered before use, wally world chocolate is ready to go right out of the bag, has a good consistency and sets better
I have some really yummy dipping chocolate that I get special. I use it for my toffee among other things. I am curious about your cream recipes though....I haven't ever really made a "chocolate" like a chocolate with something inside. I'd like them regardless, but would any go good with peppers?