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Chilli Hanging Baskets

I'm going to try some chilli hanging baskets next year, I think Bulgarian teardrop would make a good hanging basket

and maybe Inca Berry, anyone out there tried this?
There are several here growing in the "topsy turvy" planters...I think a plant that has a spreading, viney type plant would be good...I am growing criola sellas and think they would be great for a hanging basket, plus they are pretty...JMO
mornin chiliac...I haven't grown any rocotos...I don't know whether they would fluorish in my hot climate...don't they require a long season to produce well?

Biscombe...what is your climate like where you are in spain?
Morn' AJ!
Rocotos take their time, but then they are very prolific and beautiful. They can stand more cold than any other peppers, so even if they need a longer season, it should be no problem. They tend to grow rather wide than tall, that'd make them perfect hanging baskets plants I think!
A.J they'll thrive in your climte my friend have a friend houson growing 8-9 Pubescens variety's..just need some shade or netting to stop direct sun :)
morning talas...thanks for the info

I haven't had too much luck with the pubescens this year...all have died except for one or two that are shaded most of the day...

Here's and idea for you Biscombe...when I first planted out this year, I got severe sunburn/scald on about 50 superhots...Dorset Nagas, Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokias, Bih Jolokias...I finally cut them back drastically...here is a picture of them today...while my back up plants are a month younger, they are much more "erect" growing and bushy...the Bhuts and Nagas in this picture are more "spreading"...point I am trying to make I suppose is that you could make the plant grow spreading and hanging down like these are by simply topping them....whatcha think?


the pic is not that clear but the wind is blowing about 30 km/h...remnants of Gustav...no rain, just a nice NW wind and low temps today (high 27C)
Morning A.J Good idea that cut back then..Plants looking in peek condition my friend..Trifetti(purple fire) would look lovely in a hanging basket just a beautiful plant :)
This is my first post was reading all comments. looking at our rocoto pepper I was wondering just how big of pot I would need to put in a hanging basket. Guess I need to get pepperfever to post a pic of it

When doing a hanging basket, I'd cut the main growth tip off your plant quite early to encourage sideways growth and then add small weights to the new branches(when they get big enough) to help them to start hanging.
I think a C. pubescens would work well especially with filtered light.
AJ: I am not sure if that works. Rocotos have the perfect grow for hanging baskets imo abd a lot of chinense would be good for that, too. Rocotos need more shade in the beginning, but after they're hardened off properly, they need full sunlight and will do really well and grow really wide.

olesmokey: First of all, welcome!
The size of the pod depends on the size of the basket, but you don't need a really large pot to grow a nice plant if it gets plenty of sunlight.
olesmokey said:
This is my first post was reading all comments. looking at our rocoto pepper I was wondering just how big of pot I would need to put in a hanging basket. Guess I need to get pepperfever to post a pic of it


Rocotos love space..And go mad easily..So always let them have room to breath and behave like a creeper..Big pots,Mine going in the ground as we speak :)

And Welcome ;)