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Chilli ID - seeds bought as Red Savina


I need the help of some more experienced members on this one..... As the title of the topic suggests, I bought the seeds as Red Savina. The problem is, the pods look different than pictures of Red Savinas on the internet. I decided to put some pics here and ask, if this is truly a Red Savina.






Thanks for the help and best wishes!
Does not look like the red savinas I have. The angles at the bolttom of the pod are different than mine. Mine are come to a point.
i don't know what they are, but what is going to make them easier to identify is the consistency of the pod shape, they all look the same - nice clover shape.
Thanks for all who contributed!

For now:

Trinidad congo red - 3 votes
Everything else - 0 votes

I remembered a recent thread about that variety and after seeing some of the posted pics, they truly look quite similar....

No, I haven´t tasted one yet, those pods in the picture are the first on the plant. I will update this thread immediately after I ate one (in 2-3 days).

Thanks once again, the help is appreciated! If others have other ideas, I hope they will chime in...
Its a red C. chinense, but thats about as far as it can accurately be identified. I does however look like one of several Caribbean type I've grown in the past
Pretty sure it isn't a Trinidad Congo, those pods are usually much larger than the ones pictured.

Hello Patrick and thanks for your opinion....... I just want to add that the whole plant is small, is in a relatively small pot, these are the first pods the plant produced and they were formed in the beginning of March. Can´t these facts leed to the small pod size?
I don´t want to say it is a Trnidad congo or that it isn´t....I´m just speculating....

EDIT- PS. I have 7 tarantulas at the moment..... ;)
I grew trinidad congos and they didn't look like that....I wish i could post a pic of mine..

I think this was them...trinidad congos
Hello and thanks for the picture!
I've read in a thread that someone here grows 2 variants of the Congo trinidad. One with elongated pods and one with more 'blocky' peppers. Yours surely look different, but I'll search for pics of the blockier one......maybe they will look more similar to mine......or maybe not......we'll see.

Best wishes!
Unfortunately there are many types of congo peppers. Caribbeans don't always have proper names for chiles and tend to call any large C. chinenses a Congos
Good point D-back. The size and shape doesn't suggest Trinidad Congo but you're correct in what you said.

Here's a pic of one of my monsters from a few years ago. Shape is off a little. That's a jumbo egg by the way.


Here's a better pic that has different pods for size comparison. Hope it helps.
