• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

video Chilli Sauce Tests "Lucifer's Lick 4" Goanna Hill Chilli

Lucky to do this weeks test as was going to do another vers as was sent that to late for last years tests but whilst moving it dropped it, so apologized to Jane whom sent me down the new youbeaut Version

Goanna Hill's Lucifers's Lick 4

Lucifer's Lick 4 by Goanna Hill Chilli in QLD , Dunno where the first few secs of the Video went where say Hello and stuff but got most of it so all good..

They don't have a website as yet but you can email them to post ya a list of what have and how to get,they have heaps of sauces and every1 tried so far has been outstanding Jane will fix ya up goannahill@westnet.com.au (ive lost my list or would put up some of what has)

Chilli's (Habanero & Dorset naga's) 84%

it smells like tomato's when open and smell it, but the taste is beautiful and the hab's and naga's must cancell each other out as neither is Prominent but has a chilli taste and its beautiful melded with the rest, Andrew reckoned was a 9/10 for taste and id agree as its hard to describe but beautiful.

Heatwise its Awesome and hits fairly straight away and pretty hard in the back of the throat and move's forward quick and the whole mouth is glowing, the tongue was at the point of hurting and was throbbing as was the rest of mouth as well so very Hot..Finished up with a numbish tongue and lips were burning and went for ages

overall awesome and we all loved it, both taste and heat and will be getting some more..

so give Jane and email goannahill@westnet.com.au

hope you Enjoy
Be Excellent