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Chillies for Indian/South East Asian cuisine-my experiences

Hi, 5101

My experience of cooking - some over 20 years now, finally got me interested in growing chilies. I thank Margarida of Portugal for offering me some seeds after reading my request, will help me experiment further. Generally speaking, more chilies are getting hybridized and losing the taste and 'the heat'.

Here, the packed Indian curry powders has lost its punch. The cayenne chili too-go to the wet market and the beautiful elongated ones - you will be told "NOT HOT" Go for the isshapen, stunted one "Chili Kulai"- Got some kick.

So, as a pretty regular cook, I throw in some Chili Padi, Thais, Kulai. Then, there will be some heat.

Maybe chilies are not quite as they were before..speaking as a cook/novice grower. Sad. No wonder I am going for the habs and others.