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Chilli's and Dogs...

Good people,

What are your experiences with chilli's and dogs?

These days i'm growing more chilli's and hotter chilli's than ever before. My plants are raised up out of doggie reach, but i'm a lil worried that they might eat a fallen chilli or chew on a broken off branch with chilli's on it.

I've quite a few superhots this year and i'd hate for either of my 2 lil sh#theads to hurt themselves. Thoughts...

PepperRob - my other "hobby" for many years is training and trialing field labradors. While each and every species of dog on this planet has their own personalities, there is more to worry about if you had a small child. A dog's sense of smell can tell it many things...and not eating a super hot is one of them. My girl won't even eat sweet bell peppers.

I've known of some dogs to eat poison mushroomrooms, but my guess is they smell a little decomposed and some dogs have a case of coprophagy, eating poo :rolleyes:

Now if a pepper smelled like a hotdog or poo it might be a different story :lol:

Good luck.
I should of added if your overly concerned, buy a variety of hot peppers locally. In a controlled enviroment put down a chili in front of the dog and let him/her investigate one at a time. You can have a lead on the dog and if the dog actually places a nose on a hot one, snap back on the lead and say NO. A few corrections like this he/she has learned peppers are a bad thing.

However, I think they will figure it out for themselves :)

I had to google as I knew there would be some exceptions to the rule...

http://www.dog-paw-print.com/habanero-pepper-eating-dog.html HA!
my dog ate a orange habanero one time...actually one bite...and it was left on the floor still in the baggie with teeth mark punctures...

one of our friends had a chocolate lab that ate habs off the bush...I say if the pooch can handle the pain, he is a good chilidog...
I had a Golden Retriever who liked the hot stuff. Had to build a fence to keep the little bastard away from them. It was funny to watch him growl at them and eat it anyway.
My now twelve weeks old black lab mix chewed down a Uganda hab type chinense plant and also chewed on some pods. Without moaning.
Ok, i use to punish my dogs with hab and rub it on their gums when they chewed something. It worked they stopped chewing, but one day upon return from work my 2 lovely american staffies had destroyed over 40 of my plants! This was my first business set back, something that Neil just experienced actually. now when my big fat pups see a chilli bush they chew! Should never have punished them, damn it!
Thanks guys for all ur responses, it puts my mind far more at ease. If all ur dogs out there have tried em and survived, then i guess my two boys will also... who knows, maybe they've learnt that lesson already :mouthonfire:

I might do a controlled lesson like RJC suggested. Think i might put a lil piece of a mild pepper on the ground and see if they lick it... if they do, it'll be lesson learn't and it won't hurt too much, better than a 7 pot anyhow :)

Hey Scorpion, sounds like our ratbags are similar mate. Here's a pic of my two boys... Otto (R) and Rosewood (L) American Staffordshire x'd Parson's Terrier.


Only 9 months in this pic, 2 years old now tho. Where abouts in Perth are u Scorpion? I'm in Parkwood, south of the river.
BonniePepperRob said:
Thanks guys for all ur responses, it puts my mind far more at ease. If all ur dogs out there have tried em and survived, then i guess my two boys will also... who knows, maybe they've learnt that lesson already :mouthonfire:

I might do a controlled lesson like RJC suggested. Think i might put a lil piece of a mild pepper on the ground and see if they lick it... if they do, it'll be lesson learn't and it won't hurt too much, better than a 7 pot anyhow :)

Hey Scorpion, sounds like our ratbags are similar mate. Here's a pic of my two boys... Otto (R) and Rosewood (L) American Staffordshire x'd Parson's Terrier.


Only 9 months in this pic, 2 years old now tho. Where abouts in Perth are u Scorpion? I'm in Parkwood, south of the river.

Hey mate,

lovely pups they are! Where in Perth are you? You should come on over and check my grow room out...got around 400 odd plants in there!
The only danger my dog presents to my plants is her fondness for walking in the soil. I swear, she relishes the feel of the dirt in her paws. Never touches the plant, never knocks anything down, but she loves to leave paw prints in my garden, and I can totally live with that.
Chiles aren't more dangerous for your dogs than they are for you (if they even manage to eat them) but other things that we might not think about are - onions, garlic, grapes (raisins) and the cooling fluid in your car, sweet taste like syrup but could be very dangerous depending on what kind you use.
My roommates dog, Tigger, liked mildy hot stuff (Jalaopens in particular) and I started to train him on eating hotter stuff but moved. One time he yanked a ripe Jalapeno off my plant and took half the plant with it. he got scolded and never did it again.

His tail inflicked more damage than anything (that thing was dangerous to be around).
Chiles CAN be very dangerous for dogs.

They thin the blood and act like Coumadin.
I have to adjust my Coumadin dose when my plants are putting out the pods and I'm eating peppers everyday.

It might be different for different dogs-some can eat chocolate without a problem,some can't...
My last dog ate everything I ate,including hot food made with chiles.

Be careful,especialy with your super hots.
Just because your pooch likes it doesn't mean it isn't hurting it in some way.
Anti freeze is supposed to taste sweet to animals and some drink it and get sick and or die.
Be careful with your pets and pods.
Here he is.

imaguitargod said:
My roommates dog, Tigger, liked mildy hot stuff (Jalaopens in particular) and I started to train him on eating hotter stuff but moved. One time he yanked a ripe Jalapeno off my plant and took half the plant with it. he got scolded and never did it again.

His tail inflicked more damage than anything (that thing was dangerous to be around).

How come I never heard you were feeding him hotties? Hmm?:shocked:
DaveReed said:
How come I never heard you were feeding him hotties? Hmm?:shocked:

Ummm....you were there every time. :lol: The first time I fed him Blair's Jalapeno Death and he rolled around snorting on the ground for 30 seconds. He got up and walked back over to me and I let him smell the bottle and he showed his teeth and barked once at it. 10 minutes later I let him smell the blob of sauce on my finger and he licked it up with no problem.

Then we would come back occasionally from BJ's Brewery with pickled Jalapenos and he loved those.