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Chiltepin Galore

What kind of tepin is that? The one I have grows like a tall branch, and I had to top it. This is the mother :D.


, Vegas
I have probably about 100 from seeds I found in my parents front yard in Austin, TX. Then about another 50 from seeds I purchased that are supposed to be from Hermosillo, Mexico. The last 50 plants are actually Habaneros that I've grown from different sources in order to increase the genetic pool as much as possible. I'm attempting to cross all of these together into some sort of mass hybrid between the different species and locations. I'm hoping by growing them so closely together and once I repeat the process multiple times I'll be given at least some plants with the characteristics that I am looking for.

I've already topped and pruned all of my Chiltepin plants so that they are growing into more than just a thin straight stick, and leaving some room to get air blown across the soil so they don't end up molding since they are all so close together.
Dude! You are going to have to hire help to pick all those pods! Holy crap! Hahaha.... Awesome logo btw. I'll keep my eyes open cause I'd like to get a bottle from you.
Dude! You are going to have to hire help to pick all those pods! Holy crap! Hahaha.... Awesome logo btw. I'll keep my eyes open cause I'd like to get a bottle from you.

Thanks. Once I get it going and am able to start fermenting the Chiltepins I'll gladly send some samples out. Right now I'm just practicing my methods and recipes using more readily available peppers, such as Habaneros...so the flavor is a bit different.

if you don't mind me asking, what kind of lights (kelvin temp) and ferts are you using?

For lights, I'm using the Hydrofarm 2 Foot 4 Tube T5 Light, and I have 4 of them. I also use a single 32 Watt grow light for my seedlings to get them growing a bit faster, and I leave it on a longer cycle than the T5's. My lights run on a 14/10 cycle, but they also get tons of light from the window during the day time.

I don't actually use fertilizer. You may be surprised, but my soil is actually equal parts of Miracle-Gro Organic Choice, Miracle-Gro Moisture Control, Perlite, and Vermiculite. I'll throw in about a cup or two of bone meal to that whole mix, and only add more to each plant if I see the leaves starting to curl between the veins.
Nice looking plants!
Maybe give some of the extras to some mom n pop Mexican restaurant around town. Im sure theyd appreciate it. There's a little hole in the wall we go to in San Gabriel with a bush outside that has hundreds of little pods all the time. The owner lets me grab a handful on the way out whenever I go there.

Oh and love the logo!
Thats a lot of tepins there, annuums and chinense usually have a hard time crossing with each other, baccatums will cross much better with annuums once crossed you can then cross with a chinense., some of the other wild birdeye types will cross with chiltepins, like C. chacoense and C. galapagoense. C. frutescens will cross with then too.
Since I live where there is a cold winter I just lay a drop cloth next to the plants and shake them real hard to get most of the pods and then hand pick any that are left on the plants except for the green ones which I will pull the plants and hang them upside down till the pods ripen or dry up, I put a drop cloth under the hanging plants and pick up the little pods that fall off.
Some times the bushes are still full of tiny pods so I lay the plants on news pappers or a drop cloth and spend the day picking pods when I'm setting back in a chair with a cold beer as it might take a few hours to get them all picked off.
I have one little tepin and a C. chacoense that will come back from seeds if I leave a few dried pods on the ground by the dead plants next spring I just word the podes into the soil and let nature take care of them.
This year I was going to grow some of my wild ones again, but The seeds were just to old as I had not kept back some fresh seeds so now I will have to ask around and or buy some rare varieties from some of the people here. Some of the rarer types take months to germinate even with fresh seeds so I will try and get some this summer and do a fall planting inside and by spring I should have a few of them up and growing.
Good luck with your grow and have fun picking all the pods. :P