Well since I took the last pic after pruning on April 12, it is now 48 days later and this is what its looking like today
View attachment 5560
There are some issues I see. There is some yellowing on some leaves. Also the leaves that are on there come off pretty easily. I could strip this whole thing bald I feel like easily
Its growing in miracle grow moisture control soil. It sits facing east so it gets morning sun untill about 1-2pm so maybe too much sun? I haven't got less shade than that spot besides an almost all shade spot.
I water it maybe once a week, or when its completely bone dry.
This thing won't grow right!
View attachment 5560
There are some issues I see. There is some yellowing on some leaves. Also the leaves that are on there come off pretty easily. I could strip this whole thing bald I feel like easily
Its growing in miracle grow moisture control soil. It sits facing east so it gets morning sun untill about 1-2pm so maybe too much sun? I haven't got less shade than that spot besides an almost all shade spot.
I water it maybe once a week, or when its completely bone dry.
This thing won't grow right!