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China pepper, likely a popular one.


in early April, a friend who does not speak english very well sent me 500 seeds from China. I've been pressing to get a species name from him but he cannot translate. He says they look like thai chillies. He says when ripe, they are red.

Here are a few photos. The plants are all about 4 months old and just starting to produce fruit.





Same pepper, only riper (1 month older than the pic above):

He sent me a photo of what they look like when fully ripe:

it looks just like chi chin or also pronounced chi thein it is one of the most widely used peppers in Chinese cooking and is in fact related to THAI peppers

thanks your friend Joe
yeah, what aji joe said, its "zhi tian jiao", infact you can find these in most chinese supermarkets.

you can google zhi tian jiao and read all the info you need

zhi tian means pointing to the sky, jiao is just pepper, so the nane means peppers that point to the sky.