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smoking Chipotle

Started these about 1.5 hours ago...




`scues my pos cam and skillz :rofl: about 12 hours and they should be good.
looking good, will watch for the finished pics-
looking good, will watch for the finished pics-


An update abt 3.5 hours in... consolidated all the peppers to the top rack and the wood caught fire from keeping the smoker open too long :eek:


This is why I love my WSM :dance:


3/4 of a chimey of lump charcoal, 2 pieces of apple and a piece of pecan :dance:
Added 2 more pieces of pecan and half a chimney of lump before going off to bed. All told 15 hours in the smoker.

Added 2 O Habs, 1 banana, and a few squash pepppers to see what would happen. Normally they would air dry for 2 days or so,
but we have a storm coming in and the air is very damp. So I will be finishing in the dehydrator :dance:


Some of the other work that went on yesterday here...


Big bag is a mix of Cowhorn,Long slim red, Lemondrop, a few red and orange habs.

Middle row top to bottom... Red Savina, 3 Yellow Bonnets, Lemon bhuts.

Left row... fatalii,red bonnets, Limon.
Had to toss 4 peppers away as they were burnt. The ones under the top vent that were directly over the upwind bottom vent.

Here is the finished product minus a few that have been put to use already :dance: 2nd pic is the winters stash.


Thanks for sharing the finished products! I'm learning so much about all things pepper here, and chipotles are a wonderful way of processing chiles.

Great pics! SL