food Chips for cheap?

I ave been eating Microwave nachos a lot lately. I mix it up with different stuff and nuke it for 1 minute on high.

The problem is chips go super fast in my house. We like the Mission brand chips but they are a little pricey. Does anyone know where to get a good deal on some decent corn chips comparable to Mission.
Note: I don't have a Costco card :rolleyes:
do you have something similar to a bulk barn(large bulk store)? but, i do agree with you, the price of chips is quite expensive.

i have been making my own kale chips in the dehydrator, that has an interesting flavour.
I'd say a bag of tortillias, a pizza cutter, and an oven/deep fryer is the best bet.

Yea! +1
I make my own home made chips too. I take the soft corn tortillas then cut them in 4 and fry them, then salt them. It is so good. I fry them whole to make tostadas too.

Otherwise, at whole foods I found some really good chips, I can't remember the name but they were like home made and cheap.
I don't usually buy chips i usually break up tostadas and use them like chips and my favorite store bought ones by far are the "El Paraiso" brand. I have no idea how widely available these are. In homemade chips or tostadas made with store bought tortillas the dough is ground too finely for me but i do use them for certain dishes not for dipping though.