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some of my seedlings appear to be sick. mostly bulgarian carrots and hungarian hot wax. first leaves are turning yellow and fall off. true leaves are also turning yellow from the tops. do they have not enough nutrients or something? if so then how much MgSO4 should i use for such little plants. should i sprinkle some on the soil surface or add it to water? heres pic:

What type of soil and fert are you using?
A bit hard to tell from the pic - are the centers of the leaves still dark green or paler than usual?
serrano said:
im using regular poting soil and no ferts. tips of true leaves and all 1st leaves are paler.

Does your 'regular' potting soil have fertilizer in it? Like Miracle Grow soil does - it'll have the ratios on the bag somewhere.

I would say add a shot of some weak fert if there's absolutely nothing in the soil. The other choice would be that the soil has too much N and it's burning out the tips and baby leaves with dark green new growth.

Second opinion, anyone?
on the bag is writen only PH 5,4-6,5 and contains NPK Mg Ca enough for at least 5-6 weeks and then its advised to start using some fert.
are they going to make it or are they gonners?
Geez, it doesn't even tell you the NPK ratio!?

OK, so if they ARE dark green in the growth center...
I would try flushing them with water a few times - provided it doesn't have any slow release balls in there - it should help a bit. A more drastic measure would be to put them in different soil that has no added NPK and use a fert when they show a need for it. I'd hold back on that until after you water them through a few times.
PH 5,4-6,5 does not make much sence. Either your nutrient ratio is (N)5(P)4-6(K)5 or possibly your ph is 5(unlikely) and your ratio is 4-6-5
It looks like you either have a lot of minerals in your source water or there's a lot of nutrient salts in your feed. You may want to flush out accumulated nutrient salts with some pure water
ok i flushed them good with tap water. and i ordered some epsom anyways. something should help them eventually..
flushing with water didnt seem to help so i sprinkled each plant with epsom. now im waiting to see if that help. i hope i didnt add to much. im also going to stop watering for a while so the soil can dry a little.
well my sick plants are doing very bad. they are about as big as they were in february. they dont seem to produce fruits on time (or at all). but some on the other hand is doing a little better - i pinched first buds today to encourage furter growth. i also planted first batch of plants to the dirt. ill add pics later.
anyway i think i got addicted to growing this stuff and i already have long list of varieties to acquire and grow next year. even if i dont get good results this year i sure earned some experience and learned few things.
serrano said:
well my sick plants are doing very bad. they are about as big as they were in february. they dont seem to produce fruits on time (or at all). but some on the other hand is doing a little better - i pinched first buds today to encourage furter growth. i also planted first batch of plants to the dirt. ill add pics later.
anyway i think i got addicted to growing this stuff and i already have long list of varieties to acquire and grow next year. even if i dont get good results this year i sure earned some experience and learned few things.

Sorry to hear things are going bad for ya. I am glad however that you are sticking with it. Hopefully once you get them in the dirt outside they will snap out of it.