chinense Chocolate Bhutlah SM

Stand by and Fire posted to Youtube this weekend that seeds were officially released through Puckerbutt. Put in order immediately since I've been waiting for their release for years. Surprised no one has posted about this, or maybe they have and I'm feeling too lazy to look. This is a pepper folks have been waiting to grow since it first showed up on Chili Beast, FBI, etc.
salceson said:
How can I order it? I don't see it at Puckerbutt
Is this stable variety?
Go to puckerbutt page. Search "bhutlah". It will come up. Do not buy Black Bhutlah SLP. This is not the SM version we've been waiting for. I have no idea if it is stable; I'm just some dude who is a hobby grower who's been waiting for this to be released. I assume it is stable.

Or just:
Immolated said:
Go to puckerbutt page. Search "bhutlah". It will come up. Do not buy Black Bhutlah SLP. This is not the SM version we've been waiting for. I have no idea if it is stable; I'm just some dude who is a hobby grower who's been waiting for this to be released. I assume it is stable.

Or just:
Thanks for the link it doesn't show up under the stupit hot category...ordered... curious to see how they stand up vs the black bhutlah
There are quite a few Bhutlah types from various breeders out there. I've been growing them for 2 years now. I have Judy's and the genetics that came from someone in the UK. Chad, who I think originally sent pods to SM that ended up producing the SM form has also sent material out and Jim Duffy was distributing material from his breeding a month or so ago. I've seen pictures of the types I don't have and the ones from Chad look the most gnarly. I can't buy these SMs anyway. I sell peppers and they require that you promise not to make a penny in any way that comes from those seeds. Tom
cycadjungle said:
they require that you promise not to make a penny in any way that comes from those seeds
I understand the business and the efforts involved in this kind of projects but with all the similar breeds and growers seed exchange... that's hilarious.
Carolina Reaper and FG Jigsaw should be 'patented' as well and i see a lots of people selling seeds/pods (sometimes with slightly modified names).
When you release seeds (in fact usually as soon as you gift them to a friend) they're in the wild imho...
Let me ask you guys something. the Chocolate bhutlah SM is that a cross between a bhut jolokia, a 7 pod douglah, and a butch t or is it just bhut jolokia crossed with 7 pod douglah?
Datil said:
I understand the business and the efforts involved in this kind of projects but with all the similar breeds and growers seed exchange... that's hilarious.
Carolina Reaper and FG Jigsaw should be 'patented' as well and i see a lots of people selling seeds/pods (sometimes with slightly modified names).
When you release seeds (in fact usually as soon as you gift them to a friend) they're in the wild imho...
I'm not entirely sure but unless they patent them, that promise doesn't hold up right?
And even more so the loophole of giving it to a friend, does that mean that friend can then sell it?
Just seems kinda werid to hold that much legal ownership over the seeds even after its been passed on
Clicking the area that says you promise not to sell anything that comes from the seeds is a verbal contract and is just as valid as a written contract. Whether anyone acts on the breach of contact is another thing. I honor my contracts and my word is good. So, if I promise not to sell anything, that is exactly what I'm going to do. I had to do the same with the Jigsaw and I ended up dumping them.
Oh I see, it just seems weird to me that you could have such a promise like even the peppers that could be crossed and created in the future years down the line would still be part of that contract.
Seed contracts are weird man
That seems such a dubious and vague contract that it's not even funny.

People who work with plants for a living should know better, I think.

Yeah, I still ordered some.
If I agree to something, I'll honour it but I'm not ashamed to admit I tick the "I've read the terms and conditions" box without a glance. If I've not actively read and agreed, I'm not convinced the contract is valid.
spicefreak said:
If I agree to something, I'll honour it but I'm not ashamed to admit I tick the "I've read the terms and conditions" box without a glance. If I've not actively read and agreed, I'm not convinced the contract is valid.
I must say, I didn't notice any such disclaimer when I purchased mine. Although, that's perhaps just that I missed it. Or even that it's not displayed on the mobile site.
I haven't bought these chillies so I don't know what the agreement is like but, if you can prove it's not on mobile, you're exempt.
spicefreak said:
I haven't bought these chillies so I don't know what the agreement is like but, if you can prove it's not on mobile, you're exempt.
Naw, I just checked. It does indeed show up. It's just a fairly nondescript terms and conditions dialogue that I clearly didn't really read.

Edit to include T&C:

I agree with the Terms and Conditions. Seeds purchased through PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates, along with plants and peppers grown therefrom, shall be used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Any reproduction or redistribution of seeds or plants therefrom, or commercial use of peppers grown from these seeds, or derivatives thereof, is prohibited without the express written consent of PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates. In so purchasing seeds through PBPC, LLC, or its affiliates, you expressly agree to these terms and conditions of sale.
spicefreak said:
Does "personal" mean no seed sharing?
I can't see how they would have the power to assert that. That is surely personal use, it's certainly not for profit.
It's so all-emcompassing (or badly worded) that I really can't see how they would have any real legal grounds to back this. (If I am wrong on that please let me know, I'm intrigued).
 "Any reproduction [what?] or redistribution of seeds or plants therefrom, OR commercial use of peppers grown from these seeds, or derivatives thereof, is prohibited"
That says to me - in it's wording - that I can't legally sew seeds from the plants that I grow, and I definitely cannot share the resulting seeds among others and that I must eat them all and nothing more.
Furthermore, I may not cross this plant with another plant, and then another, and then another, and keep it for 10 years, stabilise it and then sell seeds from it or use it any commercial manner because an iota of it's genetics belong to PBPC, LLC or it's affiliates. If the law worked like this regarding plant genetics we'd all be :expletive:
I'm not suggesting that they are really that maniacal, I would hope not. I just think it's a ridiculous disclaimer.