chinense Chocolate Bhutlah SM

And even more so, suppose you buy those seeds and give them away to someone else, that person didn't agree to the disclaimer so then that person can do as they please. Seems like a major loophole
RaelThomas said:
 "Any reproduction [what?] or redistribution of seeds or plants therefrom, OR commercial use of peppers grown from these seeds, or derivatives thereof, is prohibited"
That says to me - in it's wording - that I can't legally sew seeds from the plants that I grow, and I definitely cannot share the resulting seeds among others and that I must eat them all and nothing more.
Furthermore, I may not cross this plant with another plant, and then another, and then another, and keep it for 10 years, stabilise it and then sell seeds from it or use it any commercial manner because an iota of it's genetics belong to PBPC, LLC or it's affiliates. If the law worked like this regarding plant genetics we'd all be :expletive:
I'm not suggesting that they are really that maniacal, I would hope not. I just think it's a ridiculous disclaimer.
No, you're misinterpreting. No reproduction of the plants could mean one of two things:
1) You can't breed the plants, even with themselves. If you get chillies from them you've broken contract there.
2) No copying of the plants. As in, you can't breed a Bhut with a Doughlah with a Butch T ever again.

Both are insane assertations but you have technically agreed to whichever of the two they mean.
"Any reproduction [what?] or redistribution of seeds or plants therefrom, OR commercial use of peppers grown from these seeds, or derivatives thereof, is prohibited"
It basicaly means that you are not even allowed to grow a mature plant from these seeds because, given the right conditions, it would inevitably lead to seed reproduction inside the pods. :-D