chinense Chocolate Bhutlahs

Something like this:
Im new to the superhots.And judys bhutlah isnt on my list of peppers to try anytime soon.Just ordered the caramel 7pot from her and have no idea what im gettin' myself into.....
Im new to the superhots.And judys bhutlah isnt on my list of peppers to try anytime soon.Just ordered the caramel 7pot from her and have no idea what im gettin' myself into.....
Is it just 7pot caramel or is it a lava?the brown moruga wow im starting to think that these superhots may be something you cant eat everyday.well my first will be that 7pot,i also have choc.fatalii perhaps i should try that first.
mpicante said:
Is it just 7pot caramel or is it a lava?the brown moruga wow im starting to think that these superhots may be something you cant eat everyday.well my first will be that 7pot,i also have choc.fatalii perhaps i should try that first.
I'm new to them as well. I'm buying fresh peppers from different people here and drying some, fermenting others and taking very small tastes of different ones. So far, 1/8 x 1/2 inch pieces aren't killing me. Today I chopped up 3/4 of a gallon of peppers to ferment, then seeded 5 Brazilian Ghosts, wearing nitril gloves. And a new pair of gloves for the seeding. This was 7 hours ago. My hands still burn. I think the oil from the Brazilian Ghosts worked through the gloves. I ran the kitchen fan, as the fumes from the peppers were getting to me. Wow. They are hot. Have fun.
Those brazilian ghosts sound HOT.I always use gloves when im deseeding peppers,because an itch can come at anytime!Are you saving the seeds on those brazilian ghost because i would definitely be interested in those willing to trade or and let me know.
mpicante said:
Those brazilian ghosts sound HOT.I always use gloves when im deseeding peppers,because an itch can come at anytime!Are you saving the seeds on those brazilian ghost because i would definitely be interested in those willing to trade or and let me know.
I'm too scared to try even a sliver of one.
Let me get the seed dried and I'll send you some. PM me your address. I'll have to see how much seed I have to fill any other requests.
mpicante said:
Is it just 7pot caramel or is it a lava?the brown moruga wow im starting to think that these superhots may be something you cant eat everyday.
Sure you can.
The meals without one are rare.
If the sfrb arrives today got to go for it.I dont know about everyday.the hottest ive so far is the sadabahar from india.
Does anyone know a reliable source of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds? I see a few sellers of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds on ebay, but I wonder if they have anything to do with the real thing?
jamserg said:
Does anyone know a reliable source of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds? I see a few sellers of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds on ebay, but I wonder if they have anything to do with the real thing?
Do not be taken in by sellers offering Chocolate Bhutlah seeds. Standbyandfire on THP has the real one and is not giving out seeds, as they are only F2 this year and not stable. There are other Bhut x douglah crosses that are chocolate in colour and pretty damn hot, but not the raging inferno that Steven Standbyandfire has. 
jamserg said:
Does anyone know a reliable source of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds? I see a few sellers of Chocolate Bhutlah seeds on ebay, but I wonder if they have anything to do with the real thing?
Save yourself some money and anguish, never buy seeds off of ebay or craig's list. I'm not sure that amazon is safe either.
I wouldn't buy anything pepper wise from ebay as you are sure to get ripped off for the real deal as Nigel said Standbyfire has the true seeds and is not parting with any they are just at F2 anyway. :mope:
There are Reaper seeds floating around along with various Chocolate hybrids many are very hot, I'm not a big fan of most chocolate/ purple mixes as most are bitter,  although I do have a couple chocolate 7 pot hybrids that are very hot and do have a nice flavor.
I prefer the reds and yellow super hots over all as their flavor are more tropical and citrusy with floral notes some having berry like flavors with smokey and almost mango/ pineapple like after taste.
Heat wise with lots of heat and flavor you can't beat the Primo's, Moruga and Brain Strains along with the Reaper and their crosses, and :hot:  doesn't describe the amount of heat they have. They will spank your puppy till you beg for the burning pain to stop,  some have rolling heat that comes in waves that builds and builds with the burn flaring back up just when you think its over. Then you get the gag reflex and you find it hard to breath while your heart is pounding away while all the time your eyes and nose is pouring snot and water non stop, and after all that the cramps set in and makes you guts and stomack hurt like crazy and oh yes the hiccups and flaming burps that make you want to crawl to the toilet and throw up :sick:  while praying that you don't crap your pants. :shocked:
Of course this doesn't happen every time, but you never can tell when you might get a really mean pepper.  :fireball:  
wildseed57 said:
Heat wise with lots of heat and flavor you can't beat the Primo's, Moruga and Brain Strains along with the Reaper and their crosses, and :hot:  doesn't describe the amount of heat they have. They will spank your puppy till you beg for the burning pain to stop,  some have rolling heat that comes in waves that builds and builds with the burn flaring back up just when you think its over. Then you get the gag reflex and you find it hard to breath while your heart is pounding away while all the time your eyes and nose is pouring snot and water non stop, and after all that the cramps set in and makes you guts and stomack hurt like crazy and oh yes the hiccups and flaming burps that make you want to crawl to the toilet and throw up :sick:  while praying that you don't crap your pants. :shocked:
Of course this doesn't happen every time, but you never can tell when you might get a really mean pepper.  :fireball:  
LOL I love the description of misery you posted. The funniest part is, even after reading the graphic warning of absolute torture, most of us are thinking "Damn, I gotta try one of those". Fun times to be had by all :onfire:
Thanks for the heads up about ebay, I really appreciate your input. I don't usually eat hot peppers by itself (mainly in sauces, salsa and cooking), but I always try a piece of pepper from each plant I grow to check the taste and heat level. So I'm familiar with the pain, just not to the degree it was described :)
I don't try and eat whole ones any more, a small piece here and there is at best all I dare, I did eat a whole ghost when it was first going around, after that at most would be a quarter to half a pod depending if I felt lucky.
This year I grew some raging hot hybrids along with various 7 pots just to bump up my Hot pepper powder supplies that way I don't run out. I am using some fresh ones in my Kimchi and Asian/Thai food that I cook for myself other than that I let other guys shove a whole pod in their mouths. 
One reason I really respect Nigel's reviews of the super hots and others, I get a really good idea how hot they are and what they taste like, I just can't imagine how he can eat the really hot ones whole without breaking down and throwing in the towel.