chinense Chocolate Bih Jolokia

I bought some Bih Jolokia seeds along with loads of others from (excellent service by the way!).
I selected three seedlings and grew them into proper plants. Two of them produced red fruit as expected, the third produced brown / chocolate coloured fruit. They looked exactly the same in terms of size, shape and texture. The taste is different though. The normal Bih Jolokias tasted sharper and hotter. The chocolates taste much nicer. They are still hot but the warmth builds up slowly and it has a very balanced taste.
I'm wondering if I have a mutant or whether a stray seed got into the wrong batch. Has anyone heard of Chocolate Bih Jolokia's before? They are definitely one of my favourite. It's actually quite similar to the White Bhut Jolokia in taste.
I noticed that some of the fruit go from green to red to brown whereas others go straight from green to brown.


This fruit is ripening from green to brown:

Whereas this has more red to it:

And right at the base of the plant, a fruit grew straight out of the bark

Looks possibly like a stray chocolate hab seed got into the mix of the Bihs. Not unheard of, and definitely not intentional. However, those are lovely peppers. Delicious in every way. Chocolate habs are in my personal top 5 faves.
They are definitely not Chocolate Habaneros, which are my favourite chillies. Choc habs have a pungent taste like a Trinidad Scorpion Moruga blend. These chocolate Bih Jolokias have a far more subtle taste.
Ironically I tried growing some more choc habs this year, only one plant survived and it turned out to be something else instead. It gave me long red fruit with a very hot perfumed taste.
Thanks for the comments everyone.
I was always intending to buy a Jamaican Hot Chocolate but the seeds were out of stock each time I tried. They do look like Jamaican Hot Chocolates. Can anyone describe the taste? I checked and I couldn't find them being sold there.
I'm about to move to another country for 18 months and am packing a car so need to figure out which chilli plants I need to bring with me. If I can grow these again from seed them I will probably just do that. I have collected a lot of seed from this plant.
I also have a red Scotch Bonnet that is still ripening and a Carolina Reaper. Although superhots cause me so much pain I don't know why I grow them. I might give that to my brother instead.