color Chocolate Moruga Brains (Varigated?)

I acquired some chocolate moruga brain seed for my "17" grow.
it appears both the cotys and 1st set of true leaves are variegated in 2 separate plantings.

Had some seedlings last year that were the same. They were also a little bit stunted at first, but as they started actively growing, they turned out normal. Variegation was some kind of degeneration that luckily faded out with time.
IMO It looks like it is just air reflecting the light inside the leaf. Probably because of small damages from growing out of the seed.
I'll bet it is only the cotyledons that are variegated :D 
Would be cool with a variegated superhot though!
Not variegation. Like I said earlier, this is some kind of plant malfunction, yours is even more affected than mine last year. It recovered eventually and it ended up like all other plants, yet it remained slightly less vigorous. You can keep it if you want, it will produce just as good as others.
CAPCOM said:
I dont know, you be the judge. first true leaves carrying over variegation?
Wow haven't seen it on true leaves before. Will be cool to see how they grow out in a couple of weeks :) 
Don't have much choice on growing them out as it has occurred on both plantings and 3 sprouts. True leaves are gnarley as with many early crosses. CPRS and chocolate lava gnarley grew like that as well. Not making any claims, just thought it strange. Up to now only know of fish pepper producing foliage with true consistant varigation.
CAPCOM said:
Don't have much choice on growing them out as it has occurred on both plantings and 3 sprouts. True leaves are gnarley as with many early crosses. CPRS and chocolate lava gnarley grew like that as well. Not making any claims, just thought it strange. Up to now only know of fish pepper producing foliage with true consistant varigation.
And some vendors selling hot fish chilli's don't have a very variegated strain at all even then. I hope you have stumbled onto something new.
Trippa said:
And some vendors selling hot fish chilli's don't have a very variegated strain at all even then. I hope you have stumbled onto something new.
I have seen pictures of a purple ornamental with variegation. But yes, It's actually a quite rare trait, never thought about that
My first Chocolate Moruga Brain came up as a tri-cot...and it's also showing signs of variegation (or malfunction) on one coty. My second sprout is still a hook, so time will tell on that one.


My second Chocolate Moruga Brain came up with the same variegation on the coty's.


My first is just getting its true leaves, still too small to tell if it carries over.
A couple of mine are going into 3rd true leaves. Still showing anomaly. Leave of this particular variety are awfully gnarly. My fear is that these plants ability to attain vigorous and healthy growth may be compromised.
I have heard that some variations are caused by a virus. I also read that the white parts won't photosynthesis so the plant has less energy to grow. Last year I had a 7- pot x Hungarian black that had three of twelve plants that were variegated. They looked a lot like a fish pepper and even the peppers were variegated. So far this year none of the plants from those seeds have come up variegated so I might back cross them to one of last years plants to see if I can recover some variegation.
Ferby said:
I have seen pictures of a purple ornamental with variegation. But yes, It's actually a quite rare trait, never thought about that
I believe the one you have seen is the Purple Tiger, also known as the Trifetti. There's probably more than what I know though. I sprouted a Purple Tiger/Jalapeno cross this year that is showing promise..