Chocolate Primo seeds

I extracted some chocolate Primo seeds and sent some to a few people. I ended up planting mine on Jan.11. Only 1 came up after a month. After 2 months, only that one had sprouted. I start my seeds in open trays as opposed to in cells, so what I was doing was just waiting for my one seedling to get big enough to transplant. Well, 3 days ago, my second seeds sprouted, and just today, the 3rd sprouted. I would have given up on the seeds after 2+ months, but here I am getting another one sprouting. No guarantees on finished plants though. Every seed that has come up so far has the seed still covering the cotyledon. Obviously weak genetically, but the parent pods were so dam good. They will be worth all the trouble. Tom
cycadjungle said:
I extracted some chocolate Primo seeds and sent some to a few people. I ended up planting mine on Jan.11. Only 1 came up after a month. After 2 months, only that one had sprouted. I start my seeds in open trays as opposed to in cells, so what I was doing was just waiting for my one seedling to get big enough to transplant. Well, 3 days ago, my second seeds sprouted, and just today, the 3rd sprouted. I would have given up on the seeds after 2+ months, but here I am getting another one sprouting. No guarantees on finished plants though. Every seed that has come up so far has the seed still covering the cotyledon. Obviously weak genetically, but the parent pods were so dam good. They will be worth all the trouble. Tom
If I remember correctly, I believe I got 1 to germinate out of the pac you sent me. I since then received some from another source that germed fairly better and have several "chocolate primos" going quite well. One is pictured recently in my glog.
I initially planted 4 from the seeds you sent me. After 3 weeks with nothing sprouting, I planted 12 more. So far, only 3 have sprouted, but none have been helmet heads and they are looking healthy. I'm really looking forward to seeing how these turn out.
Wow, after 2 months you had some germ. that's crazy, I would have thought the seeds would rot long before then. 6 weeks is the longest I have been willing to wait, and pretty much give up any real hope after 3 to 4 weeks.  Maybe I should start waiting longer.  Problem for me and my current setup is after about a month I have to start potting up and run out of room for seed trays. I used to have two tables, one for starting and one for potted up plants, maybe I'll have to go that route again so I have the room to let trays sit that long. 
U)<now said:
Wow, after 2 months you had some germ. that's crazy, I would have thought the seeds would rot long before then. 6 weeks is the longest I have been willing to wait, and pretty much give up any real hope after 3 to 4 weeks.  Maybe I should start waiting longer.  Problem for my and my current setup is after about a month I have to start potting up and run out of room for seed trays. I used to have two tables, one for starting and one for potted up plants, maybe I'll have to go that route again so I have the room to let trays sit that long. 

I have seen a seed take over a year to finally decide to sprout. So if the prospective plant is of value, dont be quick to give up.
CAPCOM said:
I have seen a seed take over a year to finally decide to sprout. So if the prospective plant is of value, dont be quick to give up.
Holy crap. Well I guess I'll have to find some more patience, lol
I think I would give up on mine if they hadn't come up in 3-4 months. These are the best chocolate peppers I have ever tasted, so to me, these were very valuable. I'm used to waiting on seeds. Many years ago I had breeding colonies of 40 species of Chamaedoreas, which is a genus of small tropical palms. Pretty much, if you don't plant them within 3 weeks of picking, they usually take a year+ to germinate. I would usually buy seeds by the 1000 and put them in full trays. One time, already knowing they would take a long time, after 18 months I took the tray and just put it under the table because I needed the space. Somewhere close to 2 years, they started coming up. In 3 weeks the tray looked like grass growing. Good to know these can take a year though. Tom