color Chocolate varieties

I grew Aji Panca last year. I chose them because I really loved using commercially available dried Aji Panca pods in sauces, long before I started growing. Like other folks mentioned, the plant grew large, strong, and impressive... But it was late to produce. The few earliest pods got a nice size but took long as hell to ripen. The second wave were smaller, but more numerous... And most were still green when the first frost killed them. Most disappointingly, the ripe pods I got to try lacked the distinctive flavor I enjoyed in the dry pods. They were pretty bitter, too, especially for being so low in heat-- maybe a few hundred shu.

Incidentally, I agree that bitterness tends to increase along with heat, in most cases. Some very hot pods have enough residual sweetness to mitigate that somewhat (eg, Brainstrain), but many Superhots tend to be pretty bitter. Browns seen more bitter than reds, and reds more bitter than yellows...
Ive gotten ripe pods off almost everything except Aji Panca and i bought those as seedlings from CCN. Plant is nice sized now. Pods are just now starting to turn and they been on the plant for over a month.
This is from the 27th of last month.

Well damn B808. My hopes are dashed.  That sounds exactly like what mine are doing so far, just no second wave yet.  Bummer too to hear that the flavor didn't come through. When you wait that long for just a few pods they could at least be good ones.
Hopefully SMTS will have better results and with that Panca flavor.
Haha sorry to be a Debbie Downer re the Aji Pancas. Truth be told, I was happy to eat the ones I got, but I feel certain that the drying process is necessary to developed the Panca's signature character. I wish I'd had a dehydrator last year... And I still got to get one for this year, lol...
We have the chocolate 7 pots growing. Definitely metallic tasting fresh but people have loved them. We're going to turn them into a powder and see how it changes them.
Chocolate habaneros are an excellent snacking pepper. Chocolate Scotch Bonnets are even better.

Though I doubt I'd enjoy the flavor of the 7 Pot Douglah brown by itself.