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Choose my ferts!

Hey all, over the years I've accumulated a good amount of nutrients and fertilizers, so I'm asking you guys what you think will help my plants to get going strong, then bloom out of control? What I've got is:

Fertrell fish emulsion
Fertrell seaweed emulsion
General Organics BioThrive Bloom
General Organics BioThrive Grow
General Organics BioRoot
General Organics BioBud
General Organics CaMg
General Organics Diamond Nectar
General Organics Diamond Black
Epsom Salt
Bonnie seaweed emulsion

Any ideas?
Yeah, the kiss principal; keep it simple stupid (not directed at you personally).
Start out with a good fish fert = Alaska Brand.
As your plants grow be prepared to give them micro nutes and including calcium. Alaska Fish Fertilizer will probably cover it all.
I've read a few good things about seaweed emulsion and you certainly can't go wrong with a once-a-week foliar spray of epsom salt. Mix it at a rate of 1TBSP salt to 1 Gallon of water. Mist them either in the early morning or late evening. Never in the full daylight sun.
I always recommend Espoma Tomato Tone. Its really simple, and takes place of using a bunch of different fertilizers.
I just wanna get my plants set with nice root growth, lush vegetation and then start setting flowers/buds near the end of the summer so I can harvest in august hopefully. Just trying to figure out what's a good combination to get nice results.

Also, instead of making another thread, what's the best time to water chile plants? I found these two sources:


The first says to water the plants at night, the other says to water the plants in the morning. What's the best time to water? The only common factor that they share is not to water during midday when temps are high.
If you use all of this line up according to the instructions they should work very well, you might only need the BioRoot for about the first month to month in a half, and if you use the CaMg+ you might only want to give your plants a once a month light spraying with 1 tablespoon per gallon of Epsom Salt.

General Organics BioThrive Grow
General Organics BioThrive Bloom
General Organics BioRoot
General Organics BioBud
General Organics CaMg
General Organics Diamond Nectar

I am using General Hydroponics MaxiGro and MaxiBloom and it tells me to feed the plants every third watering when used for soil, I am not sure if it is the same for your BioThrive Grow and BioThrive Bloom, if you have any technical questions you can Telephone: 1-800-37-HYDRO
Straticus said:
I always recommend Espoma Tomato Tone. Its really simple, and takes place of using a bunch of different fertilizers.

+1 Now, that looks like a one stop shop! Wish I could get that here; looks to cover everything.
Choosing when to water isnt necessarily a science, I believe different methods work best for certain people in different situations. The humidity, temperature, size of plants, size of containers... etc... I personally water in the evening, around 5-6pm when there's only a few hours of sunlight left. Since our day temps rarely exceed 100F, this seems reasonable to me. For someone who lives in a climate where the temps are consistently staying above that temp, I would find it advisable to water early morning, to give the plants enough supply to last through the heat of the day. IMO no one can be wrong or right on this, it's just what works for you.
777 said:
If you use all of this line up according to the instructions they should work very well, you might only need the BioRoot for about the first month to month in a half, and if you use the CaMg+ you might only want to give your plants a once a month light spraying with 1 tablespoon per gallon of Epsom Salt.

General Organics BioThrive Grow
General Organics BioThrive Bloom
General Organics BioRoot
General Organics BioBud
General Organics CaMg
General Organics Diamond Nectar

I am using General Hydroponics MaxiGro and MaxiBloom and it tells me to feed the plants every third watering when used for soil, I am not sure if it is the same for your BioThrive Grow and BioThrive Bloom, if you have any technical questions you can Telephone: 1-800-37-HYDRO
I think maybe you were the one who turned me on to GO products. I happened to find a guy that I used to trade seeds with that uses their products and he gave me a pint out of the gallon jugs of everything I listed. I started with the Fertrell (CCN's ferts), and have now started with the GO (only one watering so far), so we'll see how they like them. At least it's still all organic because although I refuse to buy organic anything in the store, if I'm growing my own things, I only use organic fertilizers.
Pretty much anything works with peppers, just don't overdo it. Sunlight, soil drainage and proper water are more important IMO. I've had great luck with Osmocote, Tomato Tone and just regular old MG Bloom Booster.
Watered them all last night for I think the last time before I give away half of them again for a total of nine: 1 of each variety:

Devil's Tongue
Bhut Jolokia
Red Savina
Trindad Scorpion
Naga Morich
Serrano del Sol
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Big Red Bell

Used a combination of only GO products: BioRoot, BioThrive: Grow and CaMg. Decided to water them at night before it gets hot during the day again and stays that way so that the soil can get nice and drenched with the nutes and the mulch will keep the moisture in there for me. I'm just hoping that the mulch that I'm using is even worth the trouble, because I'm picking weeds out that are growing from below the mulch, and although I am curious to see what exactly they are, I'm not too keen on anything sharing my expensive home-made soil mix aside from what I put into it. Unfortunately, I can't fully rip them out by the roots, so I guess I'm just going to have to get more consistent and make sure that they stay at least below the mulch level which will hopefully eventually kill them off since they won't have any sun. OR, my BioRoot nutes will just piss them off and make them grow madly underneath the soil level so that even though I'm picking off the tops of them, they're just growing stronger underground. Who knows. Either way, I've gotta figure out a way to nix these weeds without harming my plants. Any ideas?
And yes, soil drainage is good to go. I know so for two reasons: 1. there's a load of vermiculite in my soil mix and 2. I water very infrequently and when I do, I do so until it drains out the bottom (so that I know that all of the soil is moist) and drips onto the apartment patio below mine. Hopefully they enjoy the smell of fish derived fertilizers baking onto their concrete :D
Blister said:
I've read a few good things about seaweed emulsion and you certainly can't go wrong with a once-a-week foliar spray of epsom salt. Mix it at a rate of 1TBSP salt to 1 Gallon of water. Mist them either in the early morning or late evening. Never in the full daylight sun.

THANK YOU! I was wondering the mixing proportions for ES myself. Gonna give it a try.
pvaudio said:
Hopefully they enjoy the smell of fish derived fertilizers baking onto their concrete :D
Bwhahhhahahaaa that's just wrong!! the smell of fish fertilizer on hot concrete is pretty gut wrenching :) I watered my plants the other day before planting them in the ground and I gave them a big ol dose of fish emulsion, the water splattered all over the ground on the concrete and the neighbors were sitting about 30ft away at their picnic table and they could smell it and were like what's that disgusting smell, haha.
Will any bloom booster work for chilles? Or does it have to be specifically for veggies? Like, will a flower bloom booster work?
Bloom boosters are usually just high in phosphorous. I personally stay away from them in general since I like my plants to grow and flower simutaneously
Good GOD, I think I hit the combination dead on with the BioThrive Grow and BioRoot. Not sure about the CaMg, but either way, my plants all but exploded within two days of watering. If only I can get my Devil's Tongue plants acclimated, then I think they'll take off. My Bhut's leaves are almost the size of my palm from when I got them from CCN the week of April 26, they were about the size of a tablespoon.
Another question: should I be feeding my bell peppers differently than those with capsaicin? I only ask because I eat a bell pepper at least once a day (beats apples IMO :lol: ) and I want to have a bountiful bell pepper harvest.