Christopher Phillips Leukemia Fund

Quick update on Chris` progress.
After a brief stay in hospital over the weekend, following a high temperature, he`s back home. Progress is slow, although significant. The bone marrow graft seems to have "taken" and is producing all the new blood cells. Unfortunately, Chris has acute graft vs host disease, which is very common. the treatment for that is huge quantities of steroids, so he`s suffering from numerous side effects of those, even as they try to taper the dose down very slowly. His last tests showed no detectible sign of the gene that drives the leukaemia (BCR-ABL), but that test will be repeated over and over for the next 12 months.
Other than that, he seems to be in pretty good spirits and is even teaching his daughter Emily to plant and grow various peppers, tomatoes and the like in the garden! Do you think he calls her "Grasshopper"?  :P