
Fresh = leaves only, Cooking = stems during and add leaves at the end, that's the way I do it. I don't bother growing it since locally in Chicago it runs 3 for $ 1.00 and its everywhere and Cilantro tends to bolt quite early, making successive plantings a must. However, I'm very fond of Jamaican style dishes and I do grow "culantro" (shado beni) which has a similar but more robust flavor, and taste great in the "Bonnet" chutney and hot sauces that I make. Also their low growing dense plants that are slow to bolt....if you haven't tried it, put it on your herb's list to grow....good luck
I handle it like PIC 1.
I LOVE the taste of cilantro but most people here do not... and unfortunately it is not always available too.
Coriander (cilantro) is my favorite herb by far, but its very expensive here for some retarded reason (ALL fresh herbs are). $3-4 a handful...... I really need to put some in my garden.