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Cleo's Dragon History/Origin

anyone know the history of this variety? it's one of my favorites for flavor- i like the sweetness before the heat.
Good question, would like to know too!!

I've tried it this year for the first time and really enjoyed the flavor. Needless to say I'll be growing them next year as well.
Looks like a Hab? and reimerseeds.com says;
100 days. Capsicum chinense. Plant produces good yields of 2" long by 1 ½" wide wrinkled hot peppers. Peppers are very hot and turn from light green, to orange, to red when mature. Plant has light green stems, light green leaves, and white flowers. A variety from the Caribbean region.
Ok what is the Dif between it an a hab? :confused:
I give up? :lol:
i'm sure it's a habanero type- just wondering the actual origin. i got my first one from cross country nursery 4(?) years ago and have grown clones of that one since. reimer's description seems a bit off to me- pods tend to be as wide or wider than long and more "folded" than "wrinkled"- reimer's is generally full of it anyway though. flavor is uniquely sweet before it gets hot on you.
Wow your are right---Reimer is a lot different then this pic---is this what your peppers look like?

Ok I see what you are raising now--
--they look different as the 2 pics I found on the net---I hate all these names and different peppers
Nothing makes sense---same names for different peppers and same pepper with different names.