cloning Cloning cuttings...Cloning with water...

McGuiver said:
I just checked out their site. Very cool. I don't think they have marketed these very well. I have never heard of these till now, and there are no stores here in Southern California that carry them. I like the idea of not running a submersible pump. Very clean design. They need to do some advertising.

Thanks for the info on these.
i actually use them . The only thing i dislike about them is they are a little noisey.
Well, I know I pushed the cloner solution a little long. I think it was 5 weeks. I did replenish the used water & nutes. Stuff was still growing roots, just didn't want a nuclear meltdown.

I finally changed it tonight, and started fresh.

Here is my mystery pepper plant with roots.


Just put the pepper in some potting soil. Watered it with some of my new brewed tea at 50% solution.


I had a friend stop by tonight, and he wanted to see if I could clone some Lychee Fruit tree cuttings.


The 2 with yellow foam inserts are Lychee tree cuttings. Will wait and see.

Still have some pepper cuttings in there.

Red foam insert is a TMS pepper cutting.

Orange foam insert is another mystery pepper cutting.

The lucky bamboo in the center is my control plant. It is very sensitive to any changes. It is my canary in the coal mine.
McGuiver said:
I had a friend stop by tonight, and he wanted to see if I could clone some Lychee Fruit tree cuttings.

The 2 with yellow foam inserts are Lychee tree cuttings. Will wait and see.
Tree cuttings are generally taken in the spring from new green wood. You might have more success then if it doesnt pan out now.