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cloning Cloning the top of a topped pepper plant

I picked up a Thai dragon and poblano at my local nursery and am planning on topping both of them. I want to try to root the tops after cutting them, anyone do that? I did a quick search, seems most of the threads discuss cloning with full blown cloning systems. I was hoping to keep it simple, just some cloning gel and seedling mix. Any tips or advice appreciated, thanks!

I have pruned my Trinidad Perfume and left some of the cuttings in simple tap water. They needed more time than tomatoes but all of them grew roots.
You should go for it.
I have taken a top of the main stem or branch, broke it off and immediately stuck in soil many times with success. I have used rockwool and also rooted in water, but find using soil the less maintenance way for me.

If you can break/cut right below a leaf node and can plant that node below the soil, you should have better success.

Keep really moist for the first week.

You also want the soil or whatever medium you are using to contact the break/cut quickly before it attempts to mend its self. Go straight to water, then re-cut if need time between. This help keeps an open moisture feed to the cutting.

Removing all leaves except for the top growth will lower the cuttings water needs. You want to leave one fully developed leaf up top for energy if the newest growth is still young.
I will trim leaves in half if the top leaves are too big.

If it is still alive in 48 hours after cutting and placing in your medium, you should be good.
It will take a month or so to see new growth.
Using rooting hormone may speed up the process.
Good luck. And keep trying if it doesn't take the first time.