free ( Closed) FREE Box of Fresh Pods this Summer for FREE SEEDS Now

Here's the Deal. I am growing 1000s of pepper plants to give away on THP forum minus shipping to anybody who buys from any vendor other then Bakers. (Going to show him my real customer service) I will send you a FREE box of peppers (Large Box not small)  of your choosing including shipping to anyone who send me seeds. Yep PODs for seeds. I still have 4 months since I am in zone 4. I had to destroy my current crop because of root aphids that would not die. So after a complete cleaning of my room and grow equipment I am ready again. I planted  seeds yesterday but need more super hots. ( Any pepper over 500,000 Scovilles )
Send me a PM and I will add you to the list for FREE Pods and my addy is:
P.O. Box 19055
Denver Co 80219
I planted 40 trays yesterday on one end of my grow room.

But have room for 40 more trays on the other end of my room, so help me and I will help you.
oCaveman said:
Ah man... if I would have waited just a few more days :)
I have been fighting these root aphids for 4 weeks. They live underground and I  Hit them with everything organic and commercial including 4 Pyrethrin Foggers and they only way to eradicate them would be to take every plant out wash the roots and leaves and replant.  Easier to start over then wash 400 plus  plants and repot. Happened from OW a co-workers plants. Better to kill them all instead of fighting them for 4 more months.
Pepperjack91 said:
What seeds do you need?
Any super hots.
What do you consider super hot's ???  Any 7 pot /pod, TS's & crosses / hybrids ???

What do you consider super hot's ???  Any 7 pot /pod, TS's & crosses / hybrids ???
Cool idea BSPH  I think I may have some seeds to help you out.  Let me check my stash, and while I do, pm me your addy.
Have you asked PepperLover, Judy about this ? I am betting she has confronted this problem before and may have a solution.
Rhody... :P
Yes she is sending me seeds. Just thought I would throw this trade out and see what sticks. I am trying to grow enough plants so nobody has to buy from Bakers. Why buy from Dale if I give them away for shipping only?

megahot said:
Wow didnt even know about root aphids. How could you tell you had them? What were your plant symptoms? Sorry to hear that you sre dealing with those SOB's
Root aphids are just like Peach Aphids as they live under the leaves but they also burrow to the roots and multiply. So when you kill the ones on the leaves they still come back over and over. Only way to kill is to pull the plant and wash the roots or use a very strong watering soak. I don't want chemicals in my pods ....
griff87 said:
Not sure if you would be interested in OP seeds but I have about half a coin envelope full of red brainstrain.
 Oh I am interested send them to:
P.O. Box 19055
Denver Co 80219
and I will add you to the list for FREE Pods!! Im just growing to give away anyway so I am sure the THP members don't mind a cross strain
megahot said:
Could you send me a sasbe? If not it will be a little while till I can get em out to ya
 Pm me your addy