One box US only . 1st to pm me gets the prize. Asking 17.50 . What you get is ..
My tasty green hornets ( a not jays red unknown cross ) , 2 not yaki blues, couple defcon 7's, two fast barrackpore X choc scorp, some not douglah's ,one purple bhut X viper , and a hefty portion of Birgit's Locotos . I will throw in a bag of my mixed pepper blend as well. Ends at 9 am eastern tomorrow morning .
My tasty green hornets ( a not jays red unknown cross ) , 2 not yaki blues, couple defcon 7's, two fast barrackpore X choc scorp, some not douglah's ,one purple bhut X viper , and a hefty portion of Birgit's Locotos . I will throw in a bag of my mixed pepper blend as well. Ends at 9 am eastern tomorrow morning .