clump-free pepper powder?

So I finally got a couple different batches of powder. Ended up buying about 2 lbs of jalas and habs, dehydrated them along with about 10 of my morugas, which I later ground up with the habs for a combo powder. Powders came out amazing, however I noticed some clumping in my habaruga powder when I got a bit more than planned for in my leftover thanksgiving stuffing. How can I prevent this?
Your freezer or fridge is also a good place to store the powder. Think about how quickly things dry out if left uncovered - bonus for powder.
Thanks for all the great advice! As soon as I ground the peppers I put them in the little glass spice jars from ball. Almost used a baggie til I found those
I keep my powders in mason jars and every time I open one to get some powder out, I throw it in the microwave on high for about 10 seconds to eliminate any moisture that might have sneaked in and then quickly put the lid back on. Seems to seal pretty good even with a used lid. I've gone a couple weeks before opening again and the lid is still vacuum sealed.
I have some powders I made from peppers 6,7,8 years ago, not much left of most of them, but still dry and clump free.
I place them in sealable glass jars like ball canning jars and others with the snaplock lid things.
As long as what your putting in them is completely dehydrated and dry you can store for a long time.
One thing we do make sure of though, we dont open them near or over our cooktop when cooking, steam is insidious and will most definetly get into your jars and spoil the goodies you have inside once sealed in.
So I ended up putting a pinch of rice in with the powder and it worked really well. I figure if rice can restore a water logged phone, it should suck a little moisture out of powders right? Plus it helps stir up the powder when I shake it around before using. Only problem is the occasional crunch I get now. So, with my next batch I may throw a few grains in the grinder with my peppers.
Experimenting is one of my favorite parts of this mad science.
all good ideas here.  My mom put rice in the salt shaker in our camp trailer.  If you have a shaker top with smaller sized holes on the spice jar, the rice should stay in  the jar. 
Check out the Dollar Store for spices that have the shaker tops you want.  Put the garlic or cayenne powder in a baby food jar and use the plasic bottle for your prized powders.  :win:  :)
Yep SL my dad did the same thing.
I guess part of the problem lies in the shaker lids on these ball spice jars. The holes are entirely to big for powders, especially these powders.
I do have a couple spices about to run out, guess I'll have to make the switch or run to dollar store
Side note, it's extremely cool to see some of the THP giants on my topic. Thank y'all for chiming in!
Sometimes, when the holes are too big in the shakers, I'll lay a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar, poke my own holes, and replace the lid. Sometimes it even works!  :rofl: