misc Co Packer Cost??


I am seriously thinking about trying to market my salsa like so many others have done. I am located in East Texas and @ this point all i have is a name and a good recipe (i like it!). Can anybody give me a "ballpark" of what it costs to get a salsa recipe bottled. I could get the label done but would need their help getting the recipe right in larger amounts, barcode, basically everything except distribution. I am trying to get a feel for what is considered a small order and also what it would cost. I appreciate the help!
PS...Does anyone know of any small co-packers in East Texas area?


Try Riba Foods http://www.ribafoods.com and Canyon Foods http://www.canyonfoods.com.
:welcome: from PA

As far as I have heard Texas does nothing small. :D

Advice I was given when I started with my sauce was to make it a good many times and perfect it. Get all measurements down to the smallest units, thereby making it more spot on every time, 4oz. or 114g.? It's only .6gram difference right? As you get bigger those little fluctuations build up.

Good luck with your venture.

There is a lady here that most likely will chime in and her name says it all. :D
Welcome, DigLife.

Here a post with links to other posts about getting a sauce business going.

Definitely do what Justaguy said about making your recipe over and over and weighing things out. Invest in a good digital weigh scale, and measure everything down to the grams. You can't go to a co-packer, or even make your recipe yourself, with things like "1 medium onion". You'll need to have every ingredient, and even the liquids if you can, down to exact weights so every time you make it, it's the same.

Try looking for a community kitchen to start with and contact your local health department. Sell at farmers markets or other local venues to start with before investing $$$$ in a copacker. You may love the sauce, but if you can't get repeat customers.......

Good Luck!

(PS- thanks, Justaguy- ;) )
I totally agree with Justaguy and SL! For my sauce, I pay around $225 for a 5 gallon run, and that includes bottles and caps, shrinks, vinegar, etc. I bring the fresh ingredients and spices, and my hands-on expertise for how specifically I want the chilis processes, etc. Best wishes, and have fun - it's an awesome business!

thanks for the replies! I would rather start off small...personally canning what i make and then sell it. I guess my question would be if i package it myself what steps should i take...i have read about food liability insurance, labels, PH testing ( i have no idea where to get this done), barcoding...is it really that complicated to do it on a small scale? I would like to go the small scale route first and then if all goes well...maybe approach a copacker.@ DuvallDave...wow...$225...would that be even for an initial batch? Would they work with someone all the way from Texas you think? I would consider copacking @ that price. Again thanks for the information....i have read a lot of websites but it's easier talking to real people who are doing it. Thanks.

@salsalady - I am about to start reading the links you posted now. Thanks.
thanks for the replies! I would rather start off small...personally canning what i make and then sell it. I guess my question would be if i package it myself what steps should i take...i have read about food liability insurance, labels, PH testing ( i have no idea where to get this done), barcoding...is it really that complicated to do it on a small scale? I would like to go the small scale route first and then if all goes well...maybe approach a copacker.@ DuvallDave...wow...$225...would that be even for an initial batch? Would they work with someone all the way from Texas you think? I would consider copacking @ that price. Again thanks for the information....i have read a lot of websites but it's easier talking to real people who are doing it. Thanks.

@salsalady - I am about to start reading the links you posted now. Thanks.

Hi DigLife, my initial batch was around the same price. I think this copacker works with Pacific Northwest companies, but I could be wrong.

- DD