Coffee...Without a Coffeemaker.

OK OK OK... I am really scared at what I read in this thread. I work in the coffee business in all its phases. My family has grown coffee in Antigua for generations now. Let's just say I know quite a bit about coffee.

First... the BEST way to make coffee is using a french press. Basically just use 7-8 grams of coarsely ground coffee for every 4 ounces of water. Pour water heated almost to boiling (Never, ever boil coffee) into coffee, let it sit for 3-4 minutes and strain.

North americans do get great coffees, as do Europeans and Asians. The coffee you buy at Caribous, PeteĀ“s, Starbucks, etc is very good. I know beacuse we sell it to them. Guatemala produces some of the best coffees in the world. Thankfully I get to drink it every day.

I have had the chance to drink coffee from every part of the world and every country has its own distinct characteristics.

Well... it's not such a bad thing that your coffee machine broke down. Just think that it is a chance to drink really delicious coffee and not overextracted, burnt coffee.
An old, tried and proven method of making coffee without the frills is to first boil your water. When camping or using water you're not sure of, that will clean it so it's safe. Then after waiting for 2 minutes for the water temperature to drop a little, add the coffee to the pan (never aluminum, it adds a nasty flavor to coffee), add some rinsed crushed egg shells which will make the grounds all sink rapidly to the bottom and let it steep for 5 minutes.

GENTY pour off coffee. The grounds will almost all stay on the bottom and only nice fresh non-boiled coffee will fill your cup.

The egg shells change no taste. They only make the grounds sink to the bottom.
Or just pour water onto the coffee. It is always best to remove the coffee grinds as soon as extraction is complete. That will prevent overbitterness in the coffee.
andres said:
OK OK OK... I am really scared at what I read in this thread.

you wanna hear something truly frightening, my mum will only drink tasters choice instant coffee. when i say 'only' i mean she brings a little jar of it in her purse with her whereever she goes... she insists it's the only good coffee...

actually she will drink other coffees as long as there's whiskey in it... come to think of it, i've seen her drink hot chocolate with whiskey in it (mum doesn't like chocolate...)