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pics Cold Garage Germination/Grow (Construction Complete! Now with Pics!)

GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! I can now finish my growroom.

the one on the left is the new one, the one on the right the old.

Don't worry, I am going to the store as soon as possible! Also, I saved a ton of cash so that means MORE EBAY!

Will post updates soon.
Got my final boxes in today. I got the hydrofarm temp gauge, as well as my bag of Hoffman's. I am gonna be finishing the build tomorrow (if I dont drink too much tonight), and will post pics along the way. Thinking of taking a vid actually, we shall see....

Hope everyone is having a great New Year. :cheers:
cool, I unfortunately think I lost one of my Bulgarian Carrot plants, which was doing really well, my 2 BCs were about 4-5" tall where all the others were only 3" or so and tons of leaves popping up, but the little sticky tab that I have holding up my light bulb fell on one of them and fried the stem I think.. it looks pretty bad. but we will see, I need to take some updated pics, I also have my grow tent all set, just waiting on my thermostat for the fan to come in tomorrow along with the little light meter I got, and I measured it out, I can fit 15 party cups in 1 of the Jiffy trays, and I can fit about 8 trays in the 4x4 area, so I can easy fit all of my peppers well inside there, and once I pot them up I should be able to fit about 50 1/2 gallon buckets, not sure about the 1 gallon buckets yet because I can't find the label on any of the pots I have around, they all just have the width size not the volume, but I would assume I should be good for about 60 plants or so with the 2 lights I have, and by then I should be able to move some out into the mini outdoor greenhouse I got my mom for Christmas, especially if the "winter" continues like this hah.

but on the good side, I've had my first superhots come up, 2 of the 7 pot peppers came up, and 1 of the Bhut jolokia naga morichs came up, so far about 3 out of 5 of each of the seeds have germinated for each variety (some have more, and the Bulgarian Carrots, all 5 came up already,) after about a week, and the nagas and 7 pot peppers only after about 4 days, it's great!

And Matt, I got that Hoffmans vermiculite from Agway around here if that is what you got, that stuff is great
I got the Hoffman's seed starting mix. Seems pretty fluffy, since the box was pretty light and it was 10qts.

Good news, I didn't oversleep too much, and that means construction time. Pics to follow...
Alright, CONSTRUCTION IS DONE! Time for stabilization. It took me a few hours today to finish everything up, and I only needed 1 trip to Lowe's! But here are some pics

I decided to go with the shelf, so i stated by putting the bottom rails on.

I cut the top first, so I had scraps left to put together the shelf. I am pretty happy with my ability not have to go spend more money on an entire new piece of plywood. Remember folks, pepper love is blind.

Next, I added the top, and stuck it in the tent. Fit like a glove.

Picked up this great powerstrip. It has 10 outlets and it has plenty of room in between the plugs so I can put a few timers in the single strip.

And finally a shot of the shelf. It has a ton of room for pots, ferts, watering cans, and stuff.

I think that I am gonna try to plant out tomorrow. We shall see. I am uploading the vid to youtube now and will post soon!

looks really great, what is the thermostat hooked up to right now? if it's the heater I'm sure you know that it has the 1000w limit but I think most of the heaters, as long as they are on the low setting only pull about 900w (most small ceramic space heaters are labeled as 1500w on high)

but I got your seeds today! thanks a lot, can't wait to try them, I am soaking them now since it worked so well for the other ones I had, and I am trying 3 of the, naga x 7pot, 7-T Scorp., and Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon, and 1 7 pot Barrackpore (to fill out the little 10 cell Jiffy pot thing I have) so it will all fit in my shelves, trying to keep them in those shelves for as long as possible to reduce the energy bill, and after I will stick them under my LED with a few of the flouros as support light, then on to the HID.

I'm going to wait to plant the other ones till the beginning of march maybe so I can just put them outside when they get 10" or so, and I've planted so many peppers so far I'm already going to have to enlarge the garden by a lot since my mom has her stuff that takes up most of the garden lol, but it's great I can't wait.. thanks again, I have to find out where to get those little baggies but I will send you some of the seeds I have for you to try out, if nothing else the Bulgarian Carrots are awesome, and stay really small so you can keep them in a 3 gallon pot like I did my first year (had 1 in a pot and 1 in the garden) and they produce a ton of peppers for such a small plant (around 15-25" I think? maybe a little more)

I also got my light meter in today (only about $20 I think) but I am glad I did, I didn't realize how much light I am getting to those plants, no wonder they are doing so good.. during the day when I have the front white sheet(which I am going to replace with a space blanket once they come into Walmart, ordered a few days ago) I get about 3,000-8,000+ lux just from the window when it's not cloudy out, and the plants that are right under the flouros (about 2-3" or so) get about 30-50,000 lux about, mostly towards the 30-40,000 side, but that's still a lot!, and the plants that are furthers away from the flouros.. about 5-6" get about 20-30,000 lux, (with more leaning towards the 18-23,000 end).. so pretty good, I wasn't sure how accurate it was, but I moved it out into the room away from the lights and it read around 800-2,000 or so.. so it makes sense.. I guess all those lights and reflectivity works great!
its just one off of amazon (had the gift card for it) and it was not the cheapest one but not the most expensive either, looks pretty good and comes with a nice little case.. but here is the link

oh and also, and before I bought everything I had talked to my botanist professor about lights and growing and stuff, and he is the one that suggested the XtremeLED light to me, and said that "at a fairly close distance" it measures at 4000 micromoles of photons per meter squared per second, and I didn't really equate that to much since I didn't know the conversions, but he said it was great, so that is why I got the light... but I finally found the conversion site, and I had also found another one and did them myself but wasn't sure if I had come to the same conclusion, it just seemed to high..

but anyways the 4000 micromoles ect.. comes out to about 132000 lux, in Gro-lux light source, which is crazy, no wonder I fried my plants when I first put that thing in there at about 2".. but I have it out now because as I said it was turning the leaves purple, and will use it in my grow tent until I pot up and use my HID and LED when I need the space.

just thought that was kind of cool and wanted to share it with you guys
Just finished sticking my seeds in little cups to soak overnight and figured I would post the vid from earlier.

Max, it is one of the hydrofarms one you linked to. I never thought abut the wattage. I tried it out and it worked fine, and I think it is 1300w....
yea, that's what it looked like, it's 1000w max, but as long as the heater is on the low setting, which I guess if you don't have the fan blasting and the heat cranked up, which there really isn't any reason too since you really just want to maintain around 75 instead of trying to get it to like 85-90 or something like that, so just something to watch out for and I guess as long as you don't crank it up you should be fine, not really sure what happens when you go over the 1000w limit of the thermostat.. but better not to test it haha

and Joker, yea I love that light meter, I tested my LED and MH HID tonight in my grow tent, and for the LED when it is 3" away or so.. which is where my seedlings were at first, it read ~136,000 lux or somewhere around that, it maxed out since it only goes to 100,000 (I think that is what is said on the box, but it can go up to 199,000 I think) but it actually reads over that, it just says "over" next to it but it will still read it...

it's nice because I tested at what distance I started loosing light at the corner of the 3x3' area that is reccomended for that light (which like some people said, because the actual LED area is more like 7"x7" with the total light casing/box being 9"x9" makes the optimum grow area closer to 2x2') but with that said, the very courner of the 3x3' area at about 3.5' away from the light it read 1,750 lux about, and any closer and I lost light and any further away I lost light.. and in the 2x2' area I think it read something like (edit) about 10-15,000 lux. but whatever it was it was well over the needed growing amount..

the best part was when I tried out my HID.. it read about 8,000 lux at the furthest corners from the light in my 6x6' grow tent which was really cool, and I realize that when the plants are bigger the leaves would block some of the light, but that's not too bad, depending on how big they get after this summer, I will trim them down and "semi-over winter" some of them and trim them down just enough so they fit in the spaces I have and kind of keep them taller rather than wide and hopefully they will continue to grow during the winter and at some point produce a few pods off each plant.. and I should be able to keep about 20-25 plants or so in 5 gallon buckets if they are trimmed up a little, rather than letting them stay huge... and still have plenty of room to raise the plants of the next summer

so with all this talk and no pics, and seeing Matt's pics and everything I feel obligated to get some pics out, I had taken a video for another thread talking about LEDs showing the sound of the fan for the LED that someone asked about but it won't upload from my phone, the Wi-Fi is acting up. not sure what is going on with it.. but I will get some real pictures of my tent setup and some updates of all the peppers that have sprouted and all that soon, I had an explination of what I did when screwing around with my exhaust fan tonight but it would be easier and shorter to just upload a video and some pics later on lol
I just got this earlier
I think its the same one as yours just shipped like 22.99 probably around the same cost.
yup that's the one, it takes a 9v battery which I didn't have lying around since it doesn't come with it which is fine so went down the gas station and got one, just an fyi
LOL thanks for the heads.. up.. the dreaded "Batteries not included" message on the box...

I have kids, we have a battery drawer bigger then the silverware drawer.
haha that's good, I was pretty anxious to try it out when it came, and I usually have enough batteries lying around, and plenty of AA, AAA, and a few D batteries, but haven't had to use a 9v for anything in a while
That light meter looks pretty badass. May have to pick one up. So to give ya a heads up, once I completed my construction, the temps rose a bit. I don't know if it was because there isnt enough air circulation as before but on 100% power it was about 88/89 before I installed my inline fan. Now it is about 79 overnight and 82 during the day. I'll monitor it today and let you know if it sticks at this for the rest of the day.
It is definitely worth getting, it's great to know how much light the plants are getting and where and how far away I can put my lights to maximize the efficiency for the area I am growing in at the time.

and I'd say the increase in temp is partially due to less circulation but I'd say mainly because the wood and everything can absorb/hold the heat better than the air which can diffuse the heat through the material faster if that makes sense. It's just like water being able to hold heat longer and better rather than air, but with wood. And do you keep that fan on all the time now? to keep it at that temp? that's still a good holding temp with the fan on if that is the case, but if you want, I am going to use that timer I got for the light, but since I am using the timer power surge strips that I got from Lowes, (some of them have bad reviews, but the first one I got worked great, the 2nd one I got didn't hold a program for long, so I returned it, and went to Home Depot since Lowes didn't have another one in stock and got one that works great.. I guess it's a hit or miss) but anyways you could just get another manual timer for the light for like $8 or something, and use that timer you got with the light, to have the fan turn on for 15min or whatever works to keep the temp slightly higher like 80-85 (even though your temps are good, but I know you said you wanted to keep it around 85, which is where I've been keeping my seedlings and I think they do better at a slightly higher temp as long as you keep them moist.

but I like the manual timer that comes with the grow lights because you can put as many on/off times as you want, so I will be doing that with my little 6" oscillating fan that I had lying around, 15min for every hour or maybe every other hour, just to move the air around a little inside, that way your not having the fan running all the time, saves a little money lol just a suggestion if you want to try it out, might be better than running the fan all the time, and much much cheaper than getting another thermostat (no idea why cooling thermostats are so much more expensive but oh well)

I'm going to take some pics of my setup so far, haven't set everything up yet, waiting for my other thermostat to come in, and a little longer before putting them in the tent, trying to keep them in the shelves as long as possible to save money + the natural sunlight is adding an extra 8-12,000 lux to the setup which is sweet,and a video of the fan going on and my little vent now
Here is a few pics of the peppers, a video of the tent with the fan on, and a link to the album with a few more pictures.

I'm new to the whole video "show and tell" thing but here it is, just to get an idea, it's not done yet, I still need to run a power line once I hook up a live wire which was suppose to go to a floor outlet for the living room when we remodeled the house, but never got to it, so it was just taped up in the basement, and the fuse box is completely filled, and there are no available outlets in the basement, so I'm going to hook those wires up to an outlet box and run an extension cord to the other side of the basement where my tent is, once that is done then I will set everything else up.

Album link

Just planted the seeds in the bottom rows, which is why nothing is up yet there

