chinense Cold weather snap and Habaneros

Hi all,
I live in Cincinnati and it has become a little cold here over the last week and my Habanero plants have taken a beating. They have lost almost all of their leaves. The issue is that they have a lot of green pods still on the plants. Will they turn if I pull them off and bring them inside? I would put them on the window seal in the sun. I just hate to see so many good peppers perish without trying to save them for future sauces.


What part of the Queen City? I'm in Hartwell.

I had a branch of a hab that broke off, one that had several green pods on it. I stuck it up in a room to let it dry - it looks as though the peppers are turning orange. The original plant had bunches of peppers on it, from almost full size to blooms. I dug it up, transplanted it to a pot and so far, it hasn't died, but I cannot tell if it is growing. It hasn't lost leaves or blooms, though. Seven peppers have turned orange and a few more are starting to. It will be a week tomorrow. But I mist the plant twice a day.
It should ripen in the house if they weren't hit too hard by the frost. Just trim off any mushy or tiny peppers as well as some dead leaves/branches.
I'm in Amelia Village. I may try bringing in a branch and seeing if it will turn. The leaves are already gone, so I don't think they are worth bringing in. My Jalapenos are starting to lose there leaves as well.

Where is Hartwell? I am not originally from Cincy. Moved up here about 10 years ago from Knoxville, TN. I am still not familiar with all the areas.

I just got done cutting and hanging lots and lots of peppers. The habs were the only ones that did really well with this method. They should be fine. You could cut the whole plant and hang it.

If you travel up I-75 and you see the Fairgrounds exit, your really close. Ditto if you travel down 75 and see the Galgraith Road off ramp. Cross County is just behind my across-the-street neighbor's back yard. I'm basically in the very center of Cincinnati.

I know where Amelia is. I grew up in Ripley and drove a beer truck through your fine town many times, even dropped off a few PBRs at some of the bars and carryouts.