• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


Here's photos of some Coleus and Penstemon.....


Over 80 plants so far, I'll be taking 2 to 3 cuttings from each plant at the end of January and likewise, once again around the 1st of April.
I'm hoping to have "Numerous" plants before "Mother's Day " weekend...........$$$








Thanks for checking this out...

Those plants look beautiful. Are you growing them all indoors?

These are all currently growing indoors, they were all cuttings taken from outdoor plants in late October. I generally grow these to sell, but I keep one of each variety for my outdoor planting in May

i know i can get some here. Have been wanting to redo my frontyard beds. How do they handle the heat?

i know i can get some here. Have been wanting to redo my frontyard beds. How do they handle the heat?


Hey Jamie,
They will struggle in the combo of full sun with high heat. Most are grown in semi-sun/shade, or they'll grow well indoors with partial sun. I can get away growing them in sunlight since mine fast east bound and get morning sun only. They're great as accent plants in containers or baskets.

Greg ,
Greg, or anyone that grows this stuff..... Can I root cutting in just water? I have some growing right now that I want to make into a bunch more. Nothing as cool as the pics here but I have my eye on some seeds I will be purchasing soon.
Greg, or anyone that grows this stuff..... Can I root cutting in just water? I have some growing right now that I want to make into a bunch more. Nothing as cool as the pics here but I have my eye on some seeds I will be purchasing soon.

Hey J.B.

Sure you can root in water.......the stems aren't woody like a Geranium. Water is how I do it. It's simple that way just change the water before it becomes cloudy.
Although rooting in vermiculite will promote stronger roots that will hold the plant up better when transplanting into soil, I root so many it's easier to look at the roots throuh a opaque solo cup. When the roots are about 3" long I transplant into a soil medium......"Dr Earth". That mix is pest free and has micro-nutes and many other elements. Pretty expensive but 2 bags will do it for me.

Stay " toon".......and I'll post some photos of some coleus tonite ..........soon!


here's some photos from tonite


Some mother plants.....that I've been using for cuttings through the winter


and more...]


OK....enough of the big plants...


and here's some cuttings with a few of my 7 wk old "Jamaican Scotch Bonnets"

Wow Greg!

That is really quite awesome, I've always seen the coleus at least in some variety at every garden center, and for the most part just breezed by it. Took time to notice the unique leaves but nothing else, after seeing your massive clumps all planted together it has shed some new inspiration on this plant. Nice variety too, its as if you had a herbacious Jackson Pollock rampage madly through your plants!

Wow Greg!

That is really quite awesome, I've always seen the coleus at least in some variety at every garden center, and for the most part just breezed by it. Took time to notice the unique leaves but nothing else, after seeing your massive clumps all planted together it has shed some new inspiration on this plant. Nice variety too, its as if you had a herbacious Jackson Pollock rampage madly through your plants!


Thanks Alex,
Each year I try to find a new variety and grow it to its max......then in November before the 1st frost I'll take cuttings of the outdoor plants before they die off and grow them indoors through the winter. Its a great show piece up where we live, most coleus thrives in moderate to shady light, but I beat the system by planting them with the morning East facing sunlight and cooer earlier temperatures.

Haha.. I was going to post a couple pics of mine. I think I will pass. You have that special ability to inspire and foil at the same time Greg. Thank you! I have mine outside right now but plan on bringing them in for a couple of the cold nights coming up. I plan on stripping them down to make numerous plants. This summer I will be ordering some different varieties to overwinter. I caught the coleus bug way to late.



See you have some varieties that I don't. All you have to do is to keep pinching the new growth off from the ends of each branch every now and then..

Each time you pinch back two new shoots will form. That way you'll have a nice dense plant................and many more cuttings to snip off at the end of the season...

HOLY CRAP! Greg those look awesome. I too am guilty of passing those things by when I see 'em. Now I think I may want to add a few in my yard. I even have the perfect spot already for them. The cuttings will be new for me, but the wife has done it quite a few times with chlorophytum comosum (aka spider plant) and pothos.

Thanks for sharing man :)
That is a lot of pretty Coleus...lol. I live close to a nice Coleus nursery(Gebhart's) and bought a couple of them. I ordered "Saturn", "Mocha Mint", and "Cut Above" and they also threw in "Coloring Book" for free, which turned out to be my favorite of the bunch.

Just out of curiousity, what type is the giant purpleish one?
HOLY CRAP! Greg those look awesome. I too am guilty of passing those things by when I see 'em. Now I think I may want to add a few in my yard. I even have the perfect spot already for them. The cuttings will be new for me, but the wife has done it quite a few times with chlorophytum comosum (aka spider plant) and pothos.

Thanks for sharing man :)

They are "eye-catching" when they start to get big. Most varieties prefer shade to moderate sun. Full sun will beat them up.

That is a lot of pretty Coleus...lol. I live close to a nice Coleus nursery(Gebhart's) and bought a couple of them. I ordered "Saturn", "Mocha Mint", and "Cut Above" and they also threw in "Coloring Book" for free, which turned out to be my favorite of the bunch.

Just out of curiousity, what type is the giant purpleish one?
That is a lot of pretty Coleus...lol. I live close to a nice Coleus nursery(Gebhart's) and bought a couple of them. I ordered "Saturn", "Mocha Mint", and "Cut Above" and they also threw in "Coloring Book" for free, which turned out to be my favorite of the bunch.

Just out of curiousity, what type is the giant purpleish one?

Hi Jessica,

The dark purple in the most recent batck of photos would be the "Redhead" more of the purple's/red's are the "Religious Red", and "Henna" which has more edge varigation with less intense light.

Good luck with your plantings

Ok, now that I am over growing peppers.... Couple pics of my plants under lights. Trying to keep these guys warm and inside at night.
Mix of flouros and late day dappled sunlight.




Took some cuttings tonight.... Is it better to take thicker cuttings or will the skinnier side shoots work alright?