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hot-sauce Collecting some sauces

Nothing extraordinary bit it's a start.
Just picked up the Secret Aardvark today at the grocery store. Good flavor.


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Be careful not to let it get too out of hand. Before you know it, you have 30 bottles in the fridge. Sauces can and do go bad but they take quite a while.
Then again, I only use hot sauce on things that you can't realistically add actual peppers to...like already made burritos.
salsalady said:
I cleaned out the pantry and fridge a few years ago.  Ended up with almost 200 bottles, all opened, some were 12 years old, some were 'bad'......Don't be like me....  :lol:
Now, if you are actually 'collecting'.....here's some inspiration.
Have Fun!
 Hey! Who let that guy into my pantry?  :P
salsalady said:
I cleaned out the pantry and fridge a few years ago.  Ended up with almost 200 bottles, all opened, some were 12 years old, some were 'bad'......Don't be like me....  :lol:
Now, if you are actually 'collecting'.....here's some inspiration.
Have Fun!
And I thought I had a problem with shave soaps.


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We've all had the internet entirely too long so we know better than to invite anyone into a "dedicated sauce room".
Seriously, though....I'd just save the empty bottles.
Proud Marine Dad said:
Nothing extraordinary bit it's a start.
Just picked up the Secret Aardvark today at the grocery store. Good flavor.
A start is a start, though 3 of those flavors I'd refuse to buy, my preference of flavor.
salsalady said:
Now, if you are actually 'collecting'.....here's some inspiration.
Have Fun!
Let's remember hot sauce changes color over time ! Those hot sauces turn into some funky odd nasty colors over couple years.
Ruid said:
Seriously, though....I'd just save the empty bottles.
That's what I do..... save the empty bottles I've consumed, for my achievement of consuming hot sauce & saving for the brand labels.
To me saving a bottle of hot sauce not consumed or at least tried is a complete waste of your money & makes no  sense at all !!!!
That's like ordering a Ribeye from one restaurant, then saying "That's cute, I'll save it " to Rot on my shelf w/o tasting it !
Then doing it over & over !
Hot Sauce changes color over time, so what you bought..... now may look like some brown crap later ! 
Next question is then, what are you saving ?
The label or the off colored hot sauce that was once used to be ?....which you never tasted it !
The label, the seal ?
The label can be saved if you used the hot sauce.
The seal, wax ? 
Most likely if the seal is wax, it's a nasty tasting worthless extract hot sauce, not worth even eating. You can let that wax sealed sauce rot on the shelf !
Fun fun fun. Oddly enough I,m new to the hot sauces....while I do love spicy food. But it's just not a thing here. You'll find not much more than the regular green and red tabasco over here.
But recently, after watching 'Hot ones' on youtube I thought hey let's google these sauces, at least they're available abroad.....almost ordered Steve O's hotsauce already as I came across that nutball's sauce.
Turned out there are 2 companies offering the Hot one's sauces and others that were on the show or are comparable.....the more flashy things too with the Reaper artworks on it and fancy names/labels so to speak. Other than that there are the 'toko's' that are run by Asian/Surinam/Turkish/Moroccan people who offer a variety of sauces...the more regular ones...at better prices....yeah I'm Dutch . All in all there's plenty to come by. Ordered 2 batches from one of the 2 specialty importers....the other one does offer lots of different ones too, so definitely ordering there too in the future. And just last week a box from a Toko arrived, with quite some Asian things....but also Cholula, Tapatio, Valentina salsa, scorpion tabasco etc.
Fun tasting them and making dishes, salsa dips etc.

I did have some empty wall space in the kitchen and put up 2 decorative shelves for the sauces...but already have more ...now first finishing them before ordering new.
