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Come on last frost date!

I need to get these moved into larger pots and out of the house but can't trust the temps just yet.

I was looking for an excuse to post a couple of pics, hope nobody minds. :oops:




The largest and fastest growing peppers so far have been the Tabascos. Those babies just shot right up. A couple of Bhut Jolokias and one Red Savina have done very well too. Come on temps!!
Pat, I was taking mine outside on warm sunny afternoons back in March. Yeah it was a pain in the ass moving over 60 pepper plants daily in 3-5 gallon pots in and out of the house but now mine stay outside (to the joy of my wife)
cmpman1974 said:
Nice. :) Those are some L O N G stems. :)

Agreed. Kind of bugs me too. Not sure why it happened either. I kept the lights as close as I could. I'd much rather have some short bushy ones. Any suggestions on how I can make that happen now?

Another batch is shorter and bushier, grown in the same conditions too. Anybody got any ideas?


ps. yep, there are some Bhuts in there, along with Naga Morich, Tabasco, Chocolate Habanero, T- Scorp, 7 Pot, Fatalii, Chocolate Fatalii, Lemon Drop, Tabasco--they are the tallest.

Again, thanks.
Looks like not enough light. Those fixtues don't direct the light downward. I use 23W cfls with 4 to 6 plants under each light jus above the plants. I would have hung 2 four footers with 2 buls in each, the oppostie way above those plants.
I know what you talking about. I've put most of my plants in my mini GH 03-30-2009. Weather is a blast out here and very unusual for dutch terms. Just hold on:)
I would give them some more light and start to place a small fan on them to strengthen their stems as they appear to be pretty leggy.

I got mine out a week and a half ago and it has rain all ten days and more to come I starting to dislike all this RAIN. That has really pushed my plants in the dirt for see I got mine in the garden.And some of the leaves are starting to fall off but I have faith that they will come back.
Josh said:
I hear you on wanting to get them outside. I have been postponed on account of rain.

Hey Josh Don't get me started on being postponed cuz of rain.I could give a long testimonial on the subject.

Patrick, Does it rain every day in Nebraska like it does here? I am seeking a DRY place to go very soon before algae starts to grow on my back.
Geez! I am so damn sick of rain! Hell it has rained for 10 days now!
patrick said:
Any suggestions on how I can make that happen now?

Another batch is shorter and bushier, grown in the same conditions too. Anybody got any ideas?

When did you germinate? I think the majority of us probably start to early or at least I know I do.

Be thankful that they are healthy, albeit a bit leggy. Plant them deep if you can. As soon as it gets warm enough, they'll be fine.

Agree about the lighting deficiency - need more lumens.

Looks like you've got a nice batch for 2009!
I started way too early. I got in on the Fatalii smackdown that started on January 12th and just couldn't stop planting seeds. The next round of peppers are looking a lot less leggy but I used too much MG potting soil too early in their life and burnt most of them. Between flushing and repotting them they're starting to look better. The latest round I've got the lights almost kissing the tops of the plants.

Thanks for all the advice folks.

Brian, it rained every day last week but it has finally stopped and the sun actually made an appearance. Not much sun today but no rain.
you plants looking great and they very ready to be moved out of the cups bcz it seems that they are growing up too tall wihtout expanding to wid side
Looking good but you definitely need more lights and/or some reflective material if you want shorter, bushier plants
Hello everyone,

I noticed we have another Nebraskan on here, Patrick. Nice. I've been lurking the past few months sucking up as much information as I can on growing peppers. With all the great advice, I've got a ton of plants from seed which need to be moved outside. Jalapenos, Bhuts, Fatali, Holy Mole, Peach Habs, Red Habs, Yellow Habs, PC 1, Red and Choco Scotch Bonnets, Lemon pepper and Columbian Rainbow (figured my wife would like the ornamental pepper).

(If I'm hijacking this thread let me know as I'd be more than happy to start a new post). Hate to get off on the wrong foot.

Anyways, the unpredictable nature of Nebraska weather has me wondering when I can start transitioning these plants outside permanently? A week of temporary placement outside, then move them back inside until they are strong enough sounds like general practice. But at what point can I leave them outside? Day temp? Night temp? I assume the frost danger is past in the middle of the United States, but I could be proven wrong. Weather forecast calls for low to mid 70's during the day and low 50's over night the next 10 days. A thunderstorm or two I'm sure would drop the temperatures a little more.

Thanks in advance.

Welcome RJC, where at in NE are ya? I'm just south of Omaha in Papillion.

I'm going to start the transition and begin moving pots outside for a bit. Figure I'll stake the peppers just to be on the safe side.

Thanks for the comments and advice folks.:)