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Come on last frost date!

Those all look great!!

I know what you mean, i cant wait for our frost date to pass here, ours is May 21st and its not coming soon enough!!!!

I'm just down the road from you in south Lincoln.

I spoke to a lady last night that said she has had her peppers outside the past two weeks and they seem to be doing fine and growing fast.
Her Habs seem to be a little behind some others but I believe that is normal.

I too took the plants out to start transitioning yesterday. Good idea on the stakes. My indoor light was kept low the past two months and I've got some short and bushy plants. With the exception of the Holy Mole peppers which are a little leggy as they took off much faster than all the other peppers.

I'll post some pictures up if given the time this weekend.

Looking good Patrick! I just planted out some Habs and a poblano last weekend, and my sister's bringing me a super chili and fresno's she picked up at Mulhall's for me this week (they were sold out of their scotchies).
Mine are doing pretty good so far in SE Iowa.