Commercial compost?

I have a friend with tons of Chicken poop to give me to help condition my garden soil for next season.  The problem is that I don't have anything to compost it in.  I don't have the time nor energy to make my own. Is there a good source of commercial compost that I could buy?
Also, are their any good known formulas for this, such as x ounces of chicken poop per x ounces of compost to apply over x square feet?
Kellogs is fine if you pick their organic compost. I don't know what you have available but just read the labels, look composts with cultures in them.

Then I'd make a simple aact by stirring a couple handfuls of compost in a bucket of water and stirring it again several times for a few days and then pouring it on the compost/manure plot

That'll jumpstart the plot. But, the more organic material on top the better, more mass = more heat, more composting.
Is the poop fresh or partially broken down, and is your garden area right in the ground?
Fresh stuff needs a good 6 months to break down if not in a mulch pile. If it's a collection from the past summer months, the majority of it is already partially broken down. Do like Slizarus says and you will have a very healthy garden come spring time.
Hawaiianero said:
Is the poop fresh or partially broken down, and is your garden area right in the ground?
Fresh stuff needs a good 6 months to break down if not in a mulch pile. If it's a collection from the past summer months, the majority of it is already partially broken down. Do like Slizarus says and you will have a very healthy garden come spring time.
The poop is fresh.  The garden area is right in the ground.
Dude all you need to do is pile it up like a pyramide and put a tarp over it.Every now and then give it a rotate and in a few months....Magic
Swampy_NZ said:
Dude all you need to do is pile it up like a pyramide and put a tarp over it.Every now and then give it a rotate and in a few months....Magic
The problem is that I don't live full time where my family garden is located.  I need to be able to mix something together, lay it out and let do its stuff.
dragon49 said:
The problem is that I don't live full time where my family garden is located.  I need to be able to mix something together, lay it out and let do its stuff.
Should work fine. Turning is ideal, but will still break down without it if you give it long enough. Maybe add some shredded leaves to the mix for carbon. 
Just take it to the garden and till it into the soil now.  All it really needs to compost is to not dry out which being tilled in versus sitting above ground will do.