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Community Lindberg Seed Grow

Figured we have enough people growing or interested in growing these seed, it should have it's own place.
I have had mixed results with seeds from the original batch. After many failed starting attempts with those, I currently have three healthy Jobito plants.
I ordered new seeds in Feb, and as of last night I have three new Jobito sprouts, 2 Pinga de Perro and 1 Rosita Rojo.
The Varieties I have currently have seeds started for are:
Aji Jobito
Aji Pepon
Aji Llaneron
Aji Rosita Rojo
Aji Rosita Amarillo
Aji Margariteno
Aji Pinga de Perro
Aji Chirel
I am hopeful for the ones not yet sprouted as the seeds look good, just being a little slow to germ.
I will add a few Pics when I get to where I have them.


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Been meaning to get in here and post an update. Brought all my pepper plants indoors a while back and they are doing nicely in the new grow room. Also sprouted some more Lindberg seeds indoors in perfect conditions, and out of 6 seeds from each variety, got 6x more Jobitos, 3x Rosita Red, 2x Margariteno. Four Margariteno seeds originally sprouted but two died almost immediately, I think due to Ph shock from pouring water on them.
The first Jobito plants from earlier this year have gotten pretty big and they have put out a number of peppers. I've eaten all of them (couldn't help myself) and can say they definitely live up to the hype! The peppers have just the right crunch, and initially you taste the generic "pepper" taste (what they call the Chinense flavor I guess; I'm no expert) but it's not strong, overpowering, or unpleasant in any way. As you continue chewing and finishing off the pepper, a sort of sweet nutty flavor takes over, which lingers on the palette afterwards. Excellent peppers!! I've got a dozen different varieties of peppers going right now, most of them sweet or very mild, and these are definitely the overall best peppers in this garden, not just in taste but also in the plant's vigor, health, structure, etc. 
BTW--there is DEFINITELY a little bit of heat in these peppers. Just a tiny bit; just enough to be detectable.
The first sprouted Margaretinos which were suffering under the heat outdoors and were badly stunted, are now doing fine indoors and have finally grown large enough to start flowering out soon. Will keep everyone updated on those, along with the Rosita Reds. I couldn't get any of the other seeds to sprout. 
I did great this season with Aji Jobito.  Anyone in US have great success with Margaretino, Rosita, or others in the Lindberg lineup?     I have excellent stock of Jobito seed to trade.   Or I would definitely be wiling to purchase some seed that may be here to offer.
ETA:   SmokenFire hooked me up.  Thanks!