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Compost/Manure Tea Questions

Compost/Manure Tea

Hello all.

I have a few questions about compost/manure tea.

Currently I have a batch going with the following ingredients:

10 gallons of water

10 cups EarthGro steer/compost (from home depot) http://tinyurl.com/cwlda7x
4 cups Gardener's Chicken Manure (from Lowes) http://tinyurl.com/cdjdmlr
2 cups Worm Castings (from Navlets) No link

- Should I be concerned about the Chicken manure and E. Coli? I don't see anywhere on the bag that this is composted.
- If I don't have to worry about E. Coli, is 4 cups too much or too little?

- I'm guessing that if I need to dilute my tea to water, I should de-chlorinate all of the water I plant to mix in, correct?
- I've read that 8 ounces of tea per gallon is a good amount, is this about right?


- I'm not looking to spend much money and I want to make a decent investment so I dont' have to buy an air pump every couple of months. Which air pumps are durable and will work with 10 gallons? (currently looking at Top Fin and Tetra)

Thanks all for your time.
not to steal the thread but,


If you ask me, yes, you should be concerned. From what i have read thus far, hen and chicken manure have the highest risk with salmonella.


"tea made from chicken manure or dairy manure compost, regrowth of salmonella was substantially greater in chicken manure"
I would guess that would have to do with raw materials more, right? I mean, commercial products are typically composted or treated for that kind of thing I would think. I'm not saying it isn't a possibility, but I'm not sure they would be in business long if they put out bags of chicken manure or steer manure that contains E. Coli or Salmonella.
If your going to be running 10 gallon batches.  Get yourself a air pump like this http://www.discount-hydro.com/o2-easy-high-output-air-pump/  as it will pump out tons of air and will last a very long time.
I wont comment on the whole chicken manure e-coli, as that was a whole other thread of gripes and opinions.  Just take your castings, some table scraps like fruit (for sugars to feed your tea), and whatever other yummies you usually throw in with your peppers.  If you will be using as a foliar spray I suggest stuffing your mix in a tube sock as this will keep sediment from going into your sprayer and clogging it up.
I seem to have great results with my tea brew as follows:
Kelp Meal
Crab shell powder
Bat guano
But again, you could just use the castings and a sugar source.