I made an instructable and thought i'd share with you guys http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-start-chilli-seeds/
dash 2 said:Waaaaaaaaitaminnit. Step one is to buy seeds from ebay?!
dash 2 said:ErolDude, your writeup seems pretty sound. And it's probably not a bad thing to have around here, considering how many new threads will be started in four or five months - all regarding starting seeds. I just can't condone buying seeds from ebay or Amazon. The more time you spend at THP, the more folks you'll hear from who dedicated an entire season to growing some exotic superhot only to find out they paid some shyster top dollar for bell seeds.
I love your avatar by the way!
I'm with you, although the term "pinnacle" might be a little harsh. After all, it wasn't eBay that gave the world the Chocolate Reaper.hogleg said:Your instructable was great but just "say no to Ebay". Ebay is the pinnacle of unreliable seed sources.
At the the rate that effer is going, he'll be selling on Ebay soon.Wicked Mike said:I'm with you, although the term "pinnacle" might be a little harsh. After all, it wasn't eBay that gave the world the Chocolate Reaper.
hogleg said:At the the rate that effer is going, he'll be selling on Ebay soon.
He gwan outgro the whole world, he gonna be a lil tiny star out in the universe, all by hisselfSadisticPeppers said:
So you're saying he'll outgrow his own website, kinda like how he "outgrew" us?
How much more can he grow? He's already the largest grower of peppers in the Northern Hemisphere.hogleg said:He gwan outgro the whole world, he gonna be a lil tiny star out in the universe, all by hisself
sorry, i dont know whats wrong with me.