So I had a wee oopsy a month ago today.. i forgot to put my timer on auto after a filter change and went to work. When I got home they were a sorry sight. I thought they were a gonner. Gave them a fresh reservoir with roots excelurator added and perged them for like a minute and a half. Trimmed some back but just left to see what would happen. Much to my disbelief they bounced back. The smaller ones dropped most of their leaves but are now doing okay. My beautiful white aero roots are now Brown and ugly but with lots of fresh white roots coming though. The plants themselves are growing big and bushy but ever since that oopsy I've been battling with constantly rising pH levels making the leaves yellow and all fresh flowers/buds just dropping off. I've been very careful making my neutrients, letting it all settle and adjusting (usually adjust to 5.6). Sometimes leaving for two hours and rechecking and it's been steady. The next day after being put in the system its been jumping up to sometimes 7.0/7.2. I am wondering if the rotting roots have a part to play? And ideas are much appreciated as they're not looking happy and no new pods 
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