Constantly rising pH in aero

So I had a wee oopsy a month ago today.. i forgot to put my timer on auto after a filter change and went to work. When I got home they were a sorry sight. I thought they were a gonner. Gave them a fresh reservoir with roots excelurator added and perged them for like a minute and a half. Trimmed some back but just left to see what would happen. Much to my disbelief they bounced back. The smaller ones dropped most of their leaves but are now doing okay. My beautiful white aero roots are now Brown and ugly but with lots of fresh white roots coming though. The plants themselves are growing big and bushy but ever since that oopsy I've been battling with constantly rising pH levels making the leaves yellow and all fresh flowers/buds just dropping off. I've been very careful making my neutrients, letting it all settle and adjusting (usually adjust to 5.6). Sometimes leaving for two hours and rechecking and it's been steady. The next day after being put in the system its been jumping up to sometimes 7.0/7.2. I am wondering if the rotting roots have a part to play? And ideas are much appreciated as they're not looking happy and no new pods :(


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You forgot to put the timer on auto after a filter change ?  What timer ?? What filter ?
What fertilizer are you using and at what concentration ?
What are you using for a pH meter ?
What are you using to lower the pH ?
I know that's a lot of "what" but you left out some information that could help.
So mix up a full batch of solution and toss it into the reservoir ?  Or are you mixing concentrated nutes, adding that to the reservoir, the topping of with tap water by chance ?
I can't answer your question about root rot and a rise in pH. I suppose it could happen but I wouldn't think it would be overnight. Interesting problem you have.
Hey sorry but I missed something on this one. I re-read your post and you're doing Aero :)
How big is your reservoir ?
The roots look fine to me but I'm no expert. Leaves don't look good though. Be interested in hearing the concentration of the nutes. One leaf looks like the nutes are too strong, while others look like they are missing out on something.
MNXR250R said:
You forgot to put the timer on auto after a filter change ?  What timer ?? What filter ?
What fertilizer are you using and at what concentration ?
What are you using for a pH meter ?
What are you using to lower the pH ?
I know that's a lot of "what" but you left out some information that could help.
So mix up a full batch of solution and toss it into the reservoir ?  Or are you mixing concentrated nutes, adding that to the reservoir, the topping of with tap water by chance ?
I can't answer your question about root rot and a rise in pH. I suppose it could happen but I wouldn't think it would be overnight. Interesting problem you have.
Where to start.. lol

Res is 40Litres.

I'm using a blue lab pH pen.

Using egmont a & b neuts @ 2.5ml per 1L as per the neutrients bottle (possibly too weak for flowering?)

I always add A and wait 15-20min then add B to 40L of tap water (new Zealand water is great btw) then pH adjust. I can't remember which acid it is. then add house and garden drip clean to keep the system clean.

I have two reservoirs so I can make neuts without missing feed cycles.

I think they're maybe being underfed and also I might get some different neutrients. Probably Canadian express.

I think that's answered everything.

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MNXR250R said:
Hey sorry but I missed something on this one. I re-read your post and you're doing Aero :)
How big is your reservoir ?
The roots look fine to me but I'm no expert. Leaves don't look good though. Be interested in hearing the concentration of the nutes. One leaf looks like the nutes are too strong, while others look like they are missing out on something.
The picture here is of the healthy roots.

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Voodoo 6 said:
Pump clogged? Do you have high calcium in your water?
Hmm, not sure? Probably should know this. I only have a pH pen atm, waiting for EC meter to come in the post. Pump most definitely isn't clogged.

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Ok thanks for the update.
Have you grown successfully before using your current method ?  I can't think of anything that would be an obvious problem here.  I'm not sure if the "house and garden" drip clean is something I'd put in my system. Personally I'd use good nutrients mixed at the recommended dosage, adjust the pH and the add it to system. I don't add anything else unless it is absolutely necessary !  Simple is easier to control.
 Is the NZ water very soft (low in dissolved carbonates) ?  Maybe you could add something to increase the buffering capacity of the water.... or get nutes that have buffers in it already.
Other than that I'm tapped out Mate :)
MNXR250R said:
Ok thanks for the update.
Have you grown successfully before using your current method ?  I can't think of anything that would be an obvious problem here.  I'm not sure if the "house and garden" drip clean is something I'd put in my system. Personally I'd use good nutrients mixed at the recommended dosage, adjust the pH and the add it to system. I don't add anything else unless it is absolutely necessary !  Simple is easier to control.
 Is the NZ water very soft (low in dissolved carbonates) ?  Maybe you could add something to increase the buffering capacity of the water.... or get nutes that have buffers in it already.
Other than that I'm tapped out Mate :)
This is my first time using aero, I've deaigna and built the system myself. they have grown this big from seedlings in this system too. I never used to use drip clean but I was having problems with blocked misters from a build up of salts. The drip clean has sorted that for me.

New decent neuts is a start. Will keep you posted

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